Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dictée 5 - Mots à Savoir

1) C'est l'halloween = It's Hallowe'en
2) les fantômes = ghosts
3) monsieur = Mr.
4) pendant = during
5) tu peux = you can
6) les sorcières = witches
7) les esprits = spirits
8) les chauve-souris = bats
9) tu rentres = you return
10) l'hibou = owl
11) le serpent = snake
12) les branches = the branches
13) la lune = the moon
14) le soir = the night
15) il crie = he cries

Please do your work in your journal and hand-in before Dictée 5 on Wed. Oct 29th
1) Copy each word 3X each 2)Write the English meaning 3) Write a sentence for each.

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