Friday, March 29, 2019

Science Project Presentation Dates

Apr 10 - Zainab, Three different gems & minerals
Apr 23 - Lucas, Sound Vibrations
Apr 25 -Lincoln, Inclined plane
Apr 22 -Akshyata, How do Pulleys work?
Apr 23 - Teressa, Light spectrum
Apr 24 - Nolan, sedimentary rocks
Apr 24 - Kaito, light waves
Apr 24 - Elyas, igneous rocks
Apr 25 - Sophie, Sound pitch
Apr 25 - Sai, Light travel
Apr 25 - Isabelle, Spur gears
Apr 26 - Jonah, wheels and axels
Apr 26 - Nila, Sound Waves
Apr 26 - Kieran, identifying rocks - Moh’s scale

Fyi - Jawbreakers & gum not allowed in class

FYI - just a reminder to not send jawbreakers to school. Thanks!

Math Tests going home today!

Fyi - please check-in about your child’s math test

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Dictée 15 (Le Rome) will be a Word Match Quiz

FYI - Wednesday Apr 3 we’ll be having a word-match quiz instead of a dictation.

Please study the following vocabulary:

1) les programmes de santé publique
2) la technologie
3) les coutumes
4) le béton
5) la protection sociale
6) la langue latine
7) les chaussettes
8) les chaussures
9) les voies romains
10) les arcs
11) les bijoux
12) les statues
13) les bagues
14) la littérature
15) les cerceaux

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Reminder: Loblaws Trip Parent Volunteers for Friday Apr 5th

Please meet us in Rm 23 at 9:30 am.  We will leave promptly when everyone arrives.

Thank you in advance to: Jonah’s mom, Akshyata’s dad/mom, Teressa’s mom, Zainab’s mom, and Cayden’s grandpa.

Merci !

Friday, March 22, 2019

Dictée 14 - les vases grecs

1) les gens
2) les vases grecs
3) nous donnons
4) la vie
5) les motifs
6) le siècle
7) une idée
8) le grain
9) les poignées
10) surtout
11) l’huile
12) les dessins
13) le vin
14) ce modèle
15) un pot de stockage

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Math Test - Thurs Mar 28th

please review from the text book, multiplication & division:
P. 129 #1, 2
P. 133 #2, 5
P. 138 #2, 3
P.146 #2, 3
P. 147 #5,7

Lunettes de soleil Fill-in-the-blanks Quiz - Thurs Mar 20

FYI - please go over Lunettes de soleil Song for tomorrow.

Les mots à savoir:
Ma guitare
Lunettes de soleil
Je vais
Mes cheveux
Mon pantalon
Ma chemise
Je veux

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Science Project Topics / Contract - pls send ASAP


I want to be fair for topics that are being chosen, it is first come first served.  Please hand in the contracts to confirm your topic (even for those that have emailed me). Merci!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Science projects to be presented by Apr 26th, 2019

FYI - once students have chosen their topics they can choose when they would like to present.  Our last presentations will be on April 26th.
We will aim to have our Science Openhouse on Friday, May 3rd.

No dictée this week - Dictée 14 on March 27th

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Science Project - List of Topics for Term 2

Salle 23 Science Projects for TERM 2 :

Please think about an experiment or research you would like to do for our next Science Project.   
I will send home a contract to figure out a presentation date and topic before you start. We will make a schedule of presentation dates after March Break. Merci! Mme.

Topics for Term 2:  Light and Sound, Pulleys and Gears, Rocks and Minerals:

Sound Experiments
Sound Pitch​ - Learn how frequency effects sound and pitch
Sound Waves​ - See how sound waves propagate.
Sound Vibrations- Learn about sound by making a kazoo.
Light Experiments
Light Travel​ - Experiment with the properties of light and how it travels.
Light Spectrum​ - Learn about the light spectrum and what white light is made of.
Name of student:
Light Spectrum
Light Travel
Sound Pitch
Sound Waves
Sound Vibrations
How do pulleys work?
Wheels and Axels
Inclined Plane
Spur gears
Worm gears
Bevel Gears
How do levers work?
Sprocket and chain
Investigating Erosion
Sedimentary Rocks
Igneous rocks
Metamorphic rocks (choosing 3 different rocks)
Gems and minerals overview
Identifying and classifying rocks/ Moh’s Scale

Monday, March 4, 2019

Études sociales - Word Match Quiz on Thurs Mar 7th

Instead of Dictée...this week we will be practicing words from Social Studies - les Algonquiens:

Please understand & look over the following words for Thursday:

1) les Autochtones = aboriginals
2) les communautés = communities
3) du gibier = game / prey
4) les baies = berries
5) la même famille = thé same family
6) procurer = to procure
7) chaque = each
8) environ = approximately
9) abriter = to shelter
10) la courge = squash
11) les biens = goods (for trading)
12) les chasseurs = hunters
13) cultiver = to cultivate
14) partager = to share
15) le wigwam = the wigwam

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Guided reading Questions Breadwinner Due: May 17th, 2019

Breadwinner by: Deborah Ellis
Guided Reading Questions 

Please note that questions are to be answered in paragraph form and written in your Journal/ Cahier notebook.  All work is due May 17th, 2019 which is the date of our Guided Reading Test.

 1.   How long has it been since the mother and children, except for 
      Parvana, have been outside the house? Imagine you were not 
      allowed to leave your home. How do you think you would cope?

2.   When you are reading, what techniques do you use to figure out a  
      word you don’t know (e.g., read ahead and back to see if it is  
      defined; use the glossary; use context)? How does the author give  
      clues to a word’s meaning (e.g., how does “stretched out on a 
      toshak” help a reader understand what a “toshak” is)?
3.   What character strengths has Parvana shown in the novel so far?
4.   “Everybody leans on everybody in this family” (page 48). What does Parvana mean by this? Would you say this is true in your own family? How could you be a better support for family and/or friends?
5.   What are your first impressions of Mrs. Weera? Find two things she says or does that give you a strong sense of her character.

6.   How does Parvana feel when she is out in the market as a boy?
7.  Why do you think the author included the scene with Parvana reading the letter for the Talib?
8.  Nooria says that she had forgotten how good the sun feels on her face. Maryam has to be helped to walk down the stairs. If you were forced to stay indoors, what would you miss most about being outside? Why is it unhealthy to be indoors for so long?

9.  How are Parvana’s and Shauzia’s lives similar? How are they different? Explain using examples from the book.
10.  “Kabul has more land mines than flowers,” the father used to say  
       (page 109). Why do you think her father said this? Explain why.

11.  Why did Parvana end up telling her family about the bone-digging even though she had said she wouldn’t?
12.   Why did Parvana’s parents disagree about leaving Afghanistan?

13.  Parvana feels both relieved and sulky about not going to Mazar-e- Sharif. Describe a time you have felt any kind of mixed emotion.
14. Did you predict that the father would return? Why or why not?
15.  What do Parvana and Shauzia plan to do in twenty years? Do you think this plan will come true? Explain your reasoning.

Guided Reading Questions for "I Owe You One" Due: May 17th, 2019

“I Owe You One” by: Natalie Hyde
 Response Questions

Please note that we will go through 2 questions per week.  Answer each question in paragraph form in your Journal cahier notebook.

Ch 1:  Why is it surprising that Mrs Minton saved Wes? Has anything surprising ever happened to you, from another person?  Explain your thinking.

Ch 2: Zach and Wes made a poor choice biking into The Delanys’ field and got Domino, the horse stuck in the mud.  Have you ever made a poor choice and did you experience a consequence?

Ch 3: Wes’ mom has a “spidey sense” when something bad happens.  Does your mom, dad or you have a spidey sense?  Explain your connection.

Ch 4: Why does Wes have to pay a life debt to Mrs. Minton?  Do you think Wes owes Mrs. Minton anything for saving his life? Explain why you agree or disagree.

Ch 5: Daryl unearthed an arrowhead and said it was a good omen for Mr. Elliot, and it seemed to bring Mr Elliot some luck.  Do you have something that you keep as a good omen?  Do you bring it to competitions or when you travel? Tell me about your omen, or why you don’t believe in them.

Ch 6: Why is fixing the TV tower a good payment for Wes’ life-debt to Mrs. Minton?

Ch 7: “A man always tells it as it is”, why does this expression apply to Wes in this chapter?  Is it important to always tell people the real truth, rather than the “fluffed” up version of the truth. Tell me why you agree or disagree.
Ch 8: Wes came up with his solution to find snow in summer using his problem solving strategies and thinking out-of-the-box.  Have you ever had to think out-of-the-box?  Explain your connection and why Wes was able to solve his problem so easily,

Ch 9: The coach says that even if a team is the strongest, fastest and most talented if they don’t believe they can win, then they won’t.  Explain this idea and why you agree or disagree.

Ch 10: A man always respects his elders.”  What does this expression mean to you?  Is it still true today? Do you agree that we need to respect our grandparents and older adults in our community? Why or why not?

Ch 11: “Easy as falling off a log” is a metaphor for doing something easily.  Do you have any sayings that mean the same thing? Where or who did you learn it from? 

Ch 12:  With Daryl’s help, Mr Elliot’s foundation was taken down quickly.  Despite all the bad destruction, when Daryl’s energy was used positively he was able to solve a big problem.  Is Daryl a bad person? Why or why not, explain your thinking.

Ch 13: “ A man sees things through.” This expression relates to Wes’ dad finishing a job from the beginning, middle and through to the end.  Do you agree with Wes’ dad?  Is it important to you to finish something and follow-through to the very end?  I know sometimes it is easier to give up.  Explain your thinking.

Ch 14: “People are more important than things.Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not. Explain your thinking.

Ch 15: Explain the expression: “ A man isn’t afraid to ask for help, Wes.”  Are you afraid to ask for help?  Tell me why or why not.

Ch 16: Explain what “a man trusts his gut, Wes” means in this chapter.  Have you ever “trusted your gut” on something and were correct?

Ch 17: The expression “Face the music”  refers to the struggle to get the TV transmitter to work and... it isn’t working.  Tell me what you think this expression means and a time when you had to “face the music”?

Ch 18:  When Mrs Minton said to Wes “Your father would be so proud of you”, he started to cry.  Why did he cry? Describe three emotions that he felt at that moment and explain why.