Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dictée 6: La revue des numéros (83 à 103)
PLEASE NOTE: No sentences this week!

1) quatre-vingt trois
2) quatre-vingt quatre
3) quatre-vingt dix
4) quatre-vingt onze
5) quatre-vingt douze
6) quatre-vingt quatorze
7) quatre-vingt quinze
8) quatre-vingt seize
9) quatre-vingt dix-sept
10) quatre-vingt dix-huit
11) quatre-vingt dix-neuf
12) cent
13) cent-un
14) cent-deux
15) cent-trois

Snacks for our Halloween party on Oct 31st

The following students have graciously offered to bring the following:

Carrot muffins - Fiona
Banana muffins - Noah
Apples - Abi
Strawberries with honey / chocolate - Kailey
Baby carrots - Ishaan
Muffins - Cassandra
Grapes - Saheem
Special Banana/Orange treat - Rachel M.
Kettle popcorn - Mme

Merci la salle 23!! It's a "healthy snack" Halloween!!

Correction: There is no pizza lunch on Oct 31st. It was on Oct 24th. My apologies for any confusion.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Chanson: C'est l'halloween  Par: Matt Maxwell
Dictée 5 - Mots à Savoir

1) C'est l'halloween = It's Hallowe'en
2) les fantômes = ghosts
3) monsieur = Mr.
4) pendant = during
5) tu peux = you can
6) les sorcières = witches
7) les esprits = spirits
8) les chauve-souris = bats
9) tu rentres = you return
10) l'hibou = owl
11) le serpent = snake
12) les branches = the branches
13) la lune = the moon
14) le soir = the night
15) il crie = he cries

Please do your work in your journal and hand-in before Dictée 5 on Wed. Oct 29th
1) Copy each word 3X each 2)Write the English meaning 3) Write a sentence for each.

Science Quiz on Light and Sound - Tuesday Oct 28th

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dictée 4: Remember to copy each word 3X each; write the English meaning & make up a sentence for each

1) Ontario
2) Ottawa
3) Québec
4) Terre-Neuve
5) Nouveau-Brunswick
6) Nouvelle-Écosse
7) Territoires Nord-Ouest
8) Nunavut
9) Manitoba
10) Saskatchewan
11) Alberta
12) Colombie-Britannique
13) Île du Prince-Édouard
14) Yukon
15) Toronto

Oct 22 Math Test: Adding/Subtracting/Rounding/Estimating up to 4-digits

Math work from the textbook

Whole Numbers:

p. 35 5 a) to h)
         6 a) to d)

Correction: p. 35 (not p. 36)
Do Also: # 2, 3,  4

Addition work:

p. 44 # 2 a) b) c) d)

p. 47 1 c) d)
         2 a) b) c) d)

p. 50 1 c)
         2 a) b)
         3 a) c)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dictée 3 - Mots à savoir

1) Tu es = You are

2) fâché = angry

3) surpris = surprised

4) content = happy

5) désolé = sorry

6) méchant = mean

7) calme = calm

8) drôle = funny

9) inquiète = worried

10) nerveux = nervous

11) fatigué = tired

12) excité = excited

13) triste = sad

14) malade = sick

15) en colère = angry

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Picture Day - Oct 28th

Pizza Lunch - Oct 31st
Students in Room 23 like to read:

-Bone series
-Ivy and Bean by Annie Barrows
-Narnia series
-The Hobbit
-Percy Jackson series
-Animal Spirits
-Harry Potter
-Ramona series
-Geronimo Stilton

Students who want more math review, please check out:
Terry Fox Run - Friday Oct 10 at 1:15 pm in the gym, then headed outside for our run!
Link to Grade 4 novels:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bravo! La salle 23 has earned a Hallowe'en party on Oct 31st! More details to come...
Dictee 2 - Oct 8th

1) ils poursuivent

2) les abeilles

3)  près        (accent grave sur le e)

4) la cuisine

5) une souris

6) attention

7) voilà
8) entre

9) derrière       

10) devant

11) sous

12)   à  

13) le lit

14) la chasse

15) le toit