Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dictée 18

1) Mets le crayon dans le pupitre.
2) Mets la colle ici.
3) Mets le pantalon ici.
4) Donne-moi la règle.
5) Mets l'écharpe sur le cou.
6) Mets le stylo et la gomme sur le livre.
7) La jupe est très belle.
8) Voici un manteau pour toi.
9) Mets le papier sur le pupitre.
10) Un chapeau pour Mme.
11) La casquette est jolie.
12) Prends le crayon de couleur.
13) Mets le tee-shirt sur le chien.
14) Mets des chaussettes sur les pieds.
15) Voici un sweat pour un chaton.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Parent Teacher Interviews will be scheduled for Thurs Feb 11 (3:30-7pm) & Friday Feb 12th (9-12) - please stay tuned for the interview form...Merci!

FYI - Report cards will be sent home on Monday Feb 8th and Parent Interviews are held on the PA Day on Friday Feb 12th.  I will be sending home interview request forms with the report card on Feb. 8th. Merci Beaucoup!

Wed Jan 27th - Mesurement Quiz: Elapsed Time; Money (subtraction); Mass (grams, mg, kg); Capacity (mL, L)

FYI - we will have a short quiz on Measurement on Wed Jan 27th. Please practice subtraction so that you are ready for solving problems for: Elapsed Time, Money, Mass (gram/mg/kg) and Capacity (mL, L).

Here is a site to help practice:

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jan 29th Trip Parent Volunteers

Jan 29th trip Parent Volunteers:
Please call and let me know if there are any changes to schedules :)

Lexie's mom
Wanya's mom
Rebecca's mom
Angus and Polly's mom (1/2 day)
Elisa's mom

Merci Beaucoup!!

FYI - we will head back to school around 1:20pm and be back at Wilkinson at 2 pm.  Please pack a lunch with your child.  Please note that our pizza lunch will be waiting for those students that are part of pizza lunch at school as a late snack.

Dictée 17 - Les Directions, cont'd...

1) Mets le crayon sur le pupitre.
2) Mets les bottes sur les pieds.
3) Prends le livre encore!
4) Mets le chapeau sur la tête !
5) Prends le sac.
6) Mets le crayon dans le sac aussi!
7) Mets le livre sur la gomme.
8) Mets la feuille de papier dans le sac.
9) Mets les mitaines sur les mains.
10) Prends le crayon.
11) Mets le crayon sur le livre.
12) Mets le livre et la gomme sur le sac.
13) Mets la feuille de papier sur le crayon.
14) Donne-moi le sac.
15) Voici le sac pour toi .

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Breadwinner Questions

The Breadwinner Chapter Questions:

  1. What was Parvana's father's former occupation? What was her family's old home like?                                                
  2. Why did Parvana need to accompany her father to the market? Why does it have to be Parvana and not Nooria or their mother?
  3.  What happened to Hossain? What happens to Parvana's father?

    4. Why doesn't Mother write in the beginning of the book? Explain what happens to make her change her mind.

5. Describe how life changes for Parvana's family after Mrs. Weera comes to live with them.


6. How do Nooria and Parvana get along? Does it change from the beginning of the story to the end? Find examples of how their relationship changes or stays the same.


7. Why do you think Parvana keeps the Window Woman a secret? Why does she plant flowers for her at the end of the book?


8. What does reading the Talib's letter reveal to Parvana? How does this change her view of the Talib in general? Did it change your ideas of the Talib as well?


9. How does running into Shauzia change life for Parvana? How would the story be different if they hadn't run into each another?

10.  What does the story of Malali mean to Parvana? Do you think Parvana is like Malali?  


11. If you had to make the same decision as Shauzia, would you have stayed in 

Afghanistan? Do you think she's a “bad person” for wanting to leave? Why?


12.     What do you think was the hardest thing that Parvana experienced? Why?   

         What helped her endure it?


13.  Would you have been as brave as Parvana? What would have happened to her 

        family if she hadn't become the breadwinner?


14.  Why do you think Deborah Ellis wrote this book? Do you think it's still 

        important to read about the Taliban even though they are no longer in power?


15.   In your opinion, do you think that Parvana and Shauzia will meet at the Eiffel   

        Tower in 20 years? Why or why not?  


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Dictée 16 - Les Directions

1) Regarde la porte.
2) Regarde le sac.
3) Viens ici.
4) Lève-toi.
5) Arrete.
6) Saute à droite.
7) On ouvre le livre.
8) Regarde le crayon.
9) Saute à gauche.
10) Marche très, très lentement.
11) On ferme le livre.
12) Prends le livre.
13) Prends la feuille de papier.
14) Mets la gomme sur la table.
15) On met le livre sur la table.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Important Due Dates for January...

Je me souviens...
Jan 11th - Geometry Test
Jan 13th - Quiz d'études sociales (les provinces, les villes du Canada)
Jan 21st - Reading Responses are due & Comprehension Test day!
Jan 25th - Rock Project (unless presented early!)
Jan 29th - Textile museum visit

Merci Beaucoup Les Parents!! We have enough parent volunteers for our trip January 29th!

Merci encore pour votre temps!

Joining us on January 29th:

Lexie's mom
Wanya's mom
Rebecca's mom
Angus and Polly's mom (1/2 day)
Elisa's mom

Geometry test on Monday, January 11

Did you finish your worksheets?

We did work on:

Congruent and similar figures
Hexagonal pyramid
Rectangular pyramid
Hexagonal prism
Measuring sides of a figure
Right angle, Obtuse and acute angles
Trapezoids and their attributes
Faces, Edges and Vertices

Please study all the worksheets we did this week and you are ready!! :)

Monday, January 4, 2016

Math Test - Geometry - Monday January 11

SVP - please finish up any incomplete work for Geometry and review concepts for Monday's test!
