Monday, October 28, 2019

Oct 31 - Halloween Treats & mini- party ( 2:10-3:10 ) pm

Salut! On Oct 31st - we will have the costume parade at around 1 pm, and then from 2:10-3:10 pm students will be able to do a treats share & mini-party.

Please send any nut-free snacks (or healthy treats along).



Nov 8th Queen’s Park trip - Thank you Parent Volunteers!

Update - we have 4 parent volunteers. A big thank you to: Vivienne’s dad, Walter’s mom, Willow’s mom and Sabrina’s mom for coming along on Nov 8th. Please come up to Rm 23 with your child on Nov 8th at entry time. We will leave shortly after attendance and announcements.



C’est L’halloween song - practice for tomorrow

Quiz de la prononciation #8 - les sports (on Fri)

1) le soccer
2) le baseball
3) le tennis .... « le ten-ees »
4) le hockey .... “le o-key”
5) la natation
6) le patinage
7) le volleyball
8) le ski
9) la course
10) le toboggan

Monday, October 21, 2019

Friday, November 8 - Trip to Queen’s Park 10-11:30 am Half-Day Trip

We will be back in time to eat lunch in the lunchroom at noon. If not, I will supervise them in Room 23 for the remainder of lunch period. Mme

Photo Day tomorrow (Oct 22) at 12:45pm

Prononciation Quiz #7 - Partie du corps

1) Les yeux
2) les épaules
3) la tête
4) la main
5) les dents
6) les pieds
7) les oreilles
8) la bouche
9) le nez
10) le genou

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Math textbook work pg. 50 # 1-6

FYI - I will be posting pages that students can work on at school or at home. These are work pages that students will start at school but if incomplete can complete at home and hand-in by the unit test date .  I will usually give a week’s notice before each Math unit test.

Page 31 #1-9
Page 35 #1-12
Page 38 #1-7
Page 41 #1-5
Page 50 #1-6
Page 52 #1-5

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Quiz de la Prononciation #6 - Friday, Oct. 18th

1) Ontario
2) Québec
3) Manitoba
4) Saskatchewan
5) Alberta
6) Colombie-britannique
7) Yukon
8)Territoires nord-ouest
9) Nunavut
11) Nouvelle-Écosse
13) île du Prince Édouard

Monday, October 7, 2019

Prononciation Quiz #5 - objets de la classe

We will be quizzing all 10 words on Thursday Oct 10th

1) les objets de la classe
2) la salle de classe
3) les élèves
4) l’horloge
5) l’ordinateur
6) le cahier
7) la poubelle
8) la chaise
9) le classeur
10) la feuille

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Toronto Humane Society Trip - Thursday, Oct 3rd

FYI - please remember to pack a lunch for Thurs Oct 3rd.

Parent volunteers can come up to Rm 23 at 9:30 am. We will leave shortly once all our parents arrive :) Many thanks to: Simona’s mom, Lisle’s mom & Vivienne’s mom

Mme :)