Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wed June 7 - Les Adjectifs possessifs Quiz


Friday, May 26, 2017

Dictée 31 - La civilisation maya

1) plupart
2) la péninsule
3) bâtisseurs
4) contrairement
5) les outils
6) la pierre
7) autour
8) chacun
9) ils ont abandonné
10) les marécages
11) parmi
12) ils ont construit
13) parfois
14) à travers
15) l'apprentissage

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Data Management Test - Thurs June 1st

FYI - please make sure to review our worksheets on data management for our next test.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Passé Composé Quiz - Wed May 24

FYI - please focus on the following verbs:

Regular with Avoir:

Irregular with Avoir:
avoir (eu)

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Colborne Lodge / High Park Trip - June 6th

Fyi - we are headed to High Park on June 6th.  If it is a sunny day we will stay at the park until 2 pm; if it is inclement weather we will leave after our guided program at Colborne Lodge.

For Fun - Take the Citizenship Quiz !!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

St Lawrence Market Gallery Trip

Merci encore:) Thank you in advance to: Lexie's mom, Molly's dad, Jolie's mom, Dastaan's dad, and Will's dad for joining us this Friday at St Lawrence Market.

Please note that we will promptly take attendance then leave from Room 23 at 9 am.

Mme :)

PS. Pizza lunch participants will have their pizza upon return to school

Thurs May 25th - Choir party 11:30-12:30 in Room 3

Rm 23´s Choir party is Thur May 25th - please remember to bring your snacks to share :)

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Dictée 30 - Ancient Rome

1. les programmes de santé publique
2. la technologie
3. les coutumes
4. le béton
5. la protection sociale
6. la langue latine
7. les chausettes
8. les chaussures
9. les voies romains
10. les arcs
11. les bijoux
12. les statues
13. les bagues
14. la littérature
15. les cerceaux

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

French terminology directory site

Not sure if it's an actual French word? Vérifier ici:

Verb conjugation site

Whole Number Patterning Test - Thurs May 18th

FYI - we'll be reviewing and completing patterning this week and prepping for our test next Thurs. May 18th

Please review:

Gr 4: shrinking, growing, repeating patterns, finding the unknown numbers of a pattern or on a chart, addition equations

Gr 5: shrinking, growing, repeating, alternating patterns, finding pattern rules, Input/Output Boxes, problem solving

Math tests signed and returned SVP :)

Salut!  Parents please take the time to go through the math test and sign back :) Merci!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Dictée 29 - Chine Ancienne

1) la soie
2) les allumettes
3) la poterie
4) les feux d'artifice
5) le compas
6) les cerfs-volants
7) la parapluie
8) l'encre
9) la crème glacée
10) la boussole
11) vous obtenez
12) j'obtiens
13) nous obtenons
14) il obtient
15) tu obtiens

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Book Report /Compte Rendu de livre... en français Due: June 2nd, 2017

Term 2 Book Report       / 25  Points
Students will be handing their work in French. They have the choice of choosing a French short story or English novel for their report.  Please hand in work by June 2nd, 2017.

1. Titre/Book Title: ______________________

2. Résumé/ Summary of the Plot: One Paragraph

Qui est le personnage principal? Who is the main character/ protagonist? 
    One Paragraph

Mise en scène de l’histoire/ Describe the setting of the story:

Une ligne mémorable de l’histoire/ 
    Find a memorable quote or line from the story and explain it:


Quel est le thème? / What is the theme or message from the story:

Trouvez 4 mots difficiles /  List 4 difficult words from the story and define them:
  _____________________ :  

  _____________________ :  

  _____________________ :  

  _____________________ :  

Monday, May 1, 2017