Sunday, October 14, 2018

Soapstone Signs Guided Reading Questions

Guided Reading Questions: Soapstone Signs  
by: Jeff Pinkney

Please read up to the page number beside each question and answer in your Language notebook.  Each answer is a paragraph long (about 6 to 8 sentences).

What does Lindy mean by being “given a sign”?  Page 4

When the soapstone was placed under the pillow the boy had a dream.  Have you had a dream that you remember after you had woken up? Please share. Page 8

 Wapanegwak means beluga in Cree.  Have you seen one before?  What do they look like?  Page 12

What types of rock can be used to make sculptures and carvings? Why do you think they would be the best types of rock to use?  Page 14

 Name the food chain that is described. Please use a drawing to answer this question.  Page 15

Lindy says that whales are magical.  Do you agree or disagree? Explain your thinking.  Page 22

 What do you think bannock is? Have you eaten it before? Do you think you would enjoy trying it?  Page 24

Why do think they need to go hunting? Is this good or bad? Explain your thinking. Page 34

Why do you think the boy missed his shot on purpose?  Would you have done the same thing to make your sibling feel better?  Page 37

Why are the boy teased for playing hockey? Were you ever teased for about trying something new? Page 42

Why do you think his mom thinks that the otters are smart? Do you agree? Why or why not? Page 45

The boys would want to skate forever. What would be your perfect winter day?  Page 48
Why did he carve the river otter?  How is he similar to the river otter? Please name a characteristic from the book.  Page 48

The setting of this novel is different from where we live in Toronto.  It is a rural setting. Compare and name three differences of where the boy lives with our life in the city of Toronto. Page 48

What is your favourite part of this novel? Does it connect to something 

       you have done before? Page 48

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