Reading Response Questions:
TO DO: Write a minimum 6 sentences for each chapter response.
If you are behind a chapter, please take the book home and catch up on your reading. Merci!
DUE DATE: Dec 11, 2017
1) In Chapter 1, Terrence and Sanjay get into a fight at school. Have you ever been in a disagreement or conflict at school and how did it feel? If you have never ever been in a disagreement or a conflict, what would you do if you found yourself in one?
2) Jude’s parents are divorced, that means Jude lives with his mom and his grandmother. Why doesn’t he get to see his dad more? What does his dad do? Do you think that Jude would like to spend more time with his dad? Why or why not?
3) “They say it’s good luck when a chestnut hits you on the head!” (p. 21)Tell me what is considered good luck for you, and what kind of “luck” did you receive ?
4) “Everybody would think that I was a chicken.” (p. 32) What does this expression remind you of? Do you agree that people will think badly of Sanjay if he acted like a “chicken”? Why or why not?
5) Even though I didn’t particularly like the amount of blood and fighting, I liked how Larsen redeemed himself when Jude doesn’t resort to violence after being punched in the face. Violence is not the answer. Tell me three strategies that we need to use to solve our challenges and daily problems with others.
6) Terrence is new to the school, he has no friends and he doesn’t know how to fit in. Is this a good excuse to go around and pick fights with people? Why or why not?
7) “Sometimes I don’t know what I am doing until I’ve done it and then it’s too late to do anything about it.” (p. 52) What advice whould you give Terrence to help him? Have you ever seen this happen to you or someone else? What strategies could Terrence use or learn?
8) Jude called Terrence some not-so-nice names. Is this a good strategy to deal with his feelings about being hit by Terrence? How would Jude be able to find a way to forgive Terrence?
9) Jude’s Nani (grandma), teaches Jude to see beyond differences and be a friend. What important “life lessons” have you learned from your parents or grandparents?
10) Jude’s Nani is serious about winning and doesn’t just let Jude win. Is Nani’s competitive nature a good characteristic? Would you want to play against someone who will let you win or actually be good competition? Please explain your thoughts.
11) “Who wants to be friends with someone who is always hitting people?” asks Sanjay. (p.70) Even though Terrence has a temper, do you think that Sanjay and Jude could be friends with Terrence? Why or why not?
12) Throughout the story, we learn how much Jude loves lists (as do I). Each chapter starts with a list as visual interest and grabbing the reader’s interest. For example: Things that help me fall asleep, or Things that bug me about my dad. Have you ever used a list? What kind of lists do you or have seen others use? Why is it important for Jude to make his lists? Please explain.
13) Jude’s mom reminds Jude about how he was the new boy when they’d first moved to their new apartment. She asks Jude to be nice to Terrence. Is this a good idea for Jude’s mom to ask him to be nice to Terrence? Why or why not?
14) Terrence doesn’t want to be in Toronto, he wants to be back in England. Does this make it a good excuse for Terrence to be mean to others?
15) In class, Jude starts to talk himself out of trouble with his teacher and then talks himself into being Terrence’s partner for their school project. Do you think that he should have been honest and told his teacher what was really going on? Or...was this decision to officially announce that he’ll be Terrence’s partner a happy accident? Explain why.
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