Thursday, September 22, 2016

Speechless Reading Response Questions Due: Dec 23rd , 2016

Please answer each chapter question with a paragraph response.

Ch 1. Do you know anyone like Victoria? Name three characteristics of Victoria.

Ch 2. Jelly wants to win the speech prize but is not sure how to go about it. Have you ever felt like Jelly in school?

Ch 3. Why would Jelly pretend he has a topic for the speech when he doesn’t? Would you do the same thing? Why or why not?

Ch 4. Why is Jelly frustrated by the school rules now that he is in Gr 6?

Ch 5. Victoria is actually quite mean-spirited. How is it that everyone doesn't see through Victoria?

Ch 6. Jelly’s dad won’t let him play video games, he thinks the games will turn Jelly into an aggressive social outcast. Is there something that you are not allowed to do but all your friends are allowed to do? 

Ch 7. Jelly agrees to help out at the Food Bank with Sam.  Why do Food Banks exist and why do people use them?

Ch 8: Jelly has a hidden talent for throwing his voice for the 'talking bear'. What hidden talent do you have?

Ch 9: Jelly says that the worst thing about giving a speech is feeling everyone's eyes on you while you say it...then mess up even more

Ch 10: Why is Victoria so popular?

Ch 11: Parker tells Jelly to not stare at his notes and to smile when giving his speech? Can you think of any other tips for Jelly when he does his speech?

Ch 12: Do you agree with Jelly's speech about the redeeming qualities of video games?

Ch 13: Jelly pushes Victoria to defend Kayla from Victoria's teasing. What would you have done if you were in Jelly's shoes? Why or why not?

Ch 14: Jelly gets a detention because of Victoria and has to spend recess in the library filing books with Victoria.  Is that an appropriate punishment? Why or why not?

Ch 15: Victoria spreads mean rumours about Jelly cheating on his speech.  He gets in trouble again.  Why do rumours spread so easily? Why is Victoria trying so hard to get Jelly into trouble?

Ch 16: Why is plagiarism such a negative offence in school? What do you think the school should do to prevent it from happening?

Ch 17: Jelly promises to help Henry transfer files from the old file to the new computer program but then ran into problems. Have you ever promised to do something that you could not end up doing?

Ch 18: Jelly finds out that the speech competitors have to write another speech to present for the finals.  Would you continue with the competition if you were Jelly or would you give up? Why or why not?

Ch 19: Jelly finds out his friend PB betrayed him and tricked him into making the student council posters to impress Elsa.  Do you think Jelly was betrayed? Why or why not?

Ch 20: Jelly finds out Henry can't read.  Why would Henry be embarrassed to tell anyone?

Ch 21: Jelly has 2 days to write his speech. Do you think that it was a good choice for Jelly to only have 2 days to write his speech? Why or why not?

Ch 22: Jelly writes a speech about helping at the food bank and finds out that it sounds like a 'Victoria-type' speech. What does it mean to write a speech from the heart? Is it a good idea for Joe to write a speech from his heart? Please explain.

Ch 23: Giving a speech in front of the whole school is the scariest thing that Jelly has ever done in his life. What is the scariest thing that you have done in your life so far?

Ch 24: What does the word 'redundant' mean? What are some synonyms for redundant? How would you use this word?

Ch 25: Joe wins second place, he didn't win his tablet. Would you be happy if you were Joe? Why or why not?

Ch 26: If you could be really good at anything, what would you choose?

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