We will be working on the French alphabet. Students will be asked to practice saying all 26 letters for Friday.
Merci :)
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Math Help available at Toronto Public Library
Learning and Homework Help for teens. Discover in-branch tutors at Youth Hubs, online tutoring with Brainfuse, courses with lynda.com and Safari, and student resources for research.
For elementary students: Brainfuse is especially useful as students can chat online with professional tutors live and this is available for students in K-12.
Unit 2 - Math Text book work
FYI - I will be posting pages that students can work on at school or at home. These are work pages that students will start at school but if incomplete can complete at home and hand-in by the unit test date . I will usually give a week’s notice before each Math unit test.
Page 31 #1-9
Page 35 #1-12
Page 38 #1-7
Page 41 #1-5
Page 50 #1-6
Page 31 #1-9
Page 35 #1-12
Page 38 #1-7
Page 41 #1-5
Page 50 #1-6
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Oct 1st Pape Library Visit - walking excursion
FYI - Rm 23 will be at Pape Library from 2:15-3 pm on Tues Oct 1st. We will be leaving the school at 1:50 pm and return before 3:20 pm
Trip forms needed: Oct 3rd to Humane Society
FYI - If you have lost the trip form, please send a note to school allowing your child to attend the trip on Thur Oct 3rd, 10:30-1:30 pm. Please pack a lunch and water bottle.
As well, we are looking for 2 more parent volunteers to accompany us :)
Merci beaucoup,
As well, we are looking for 2 more parent volunteers to accompany us :)
Merci beaucoup,
Math Text Book -Unit 2 Work assigned this week
FYI - we have assigned/ signed out a Math Makes Sense textbook for each student. Please make sure they return the text at the end of May.
Even if I do not assign specific work pages please feel free to work through Unit 2. There are wonderful examples and a glossary at the back to look up math words that students may not know.
This week I assigned Page 31 #1-9.
Mme :)
Even if I do not assign specific work pages please feel free to work through Unit 2. There are wonderful examples and a glossary at the back to look up math words that students may not know.
This week I assigned Page 31 #1-9.
Mme :)
Monday, September 23, 2019
Pronunciation Quiz # 3 - Wed Sept 25
Please practice all the words, Mme will choose 10 out of the following 20 words to quiz.
1) lundi
2) mardi
3) mercredi
4) jeudi
5) vendredi
6) samedi
7) dimanche
8) rouge
9) bleu
10) jaune
11) orange
12) vert
13) gris
14) noir
15) blanc
16) rose
17) violet
18) brun
19) arc-en-ciel = rainbow
20) aujourd’hui = today
1) lundi
2) mardi
3) mercredi
4) jeudi
5) vendredi
6) samedi
7) dimanche
8) rouge
9) bleu
10) jaune
11) orange
12) vert
13) gris
14) noir
15) blanc
16) rose
17) violet
18) brun
19) arc-en-ciel = rainbow
20) aujourd’hui = today
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Save the Date: Toronto Humane Society Trip on Oct 3rd
Fyi - We are rescheduled to go on Oct 3rd. Merci!
Friday, September 20, 2019
UPDATE- Trip to Toronto Humane Society POSTPONED
Please note our trip to the Humane Society has been postponed. I am really sorry about this last minute change. Mme Jim
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Pronunciation Quiz #2 - les numéros continuer
FYI - Mme will choose 10 out of 20 numbers for tomorrow’s pronunciation quiz.
Same numbers as last week :)
Onze = 11
Quinze = 15
Dix-neuf = 19
Vingt-deux = 22
Vingt -trois = 23
Vingt-neuf = 29
Trente-et-un = 31
Cinquante = 50
Cinquante-deux = 52
Soixante = 60
Soixante douze = 72
Soixante seize = 76
Soixante dix-huit = 78
Quatre-vingt quatre = 84
Quatre vingt-dix = 90
Quatre vingt dix-sept = 97
Quatre-vingt dix-huit = 98
Cent = 100
Mille = 1000
Deux millions = 2 million
Same numbers as last week :)
Onze = 11
Quinze = 15
Dix-neuf = 19
Vingt-deux = 22
Vingt -trois = 23
Vingt-neuf = 29
Trente-et-un = 31
Cinquante = 50
Cinquante-deux = 52
Soixante = 60
Soixante douze = 72
Soixante seize = 76
Soixante dix-huit = 78
Quatre-vingt quatre = 84
Quatre vingt-dix = 90
Quatre vingt dix-sept = 97
Quatre-vingt dix-huit = 98
Cent = 100
Mille = 1000
Deux millions = 2 million
Monday, September 16, 2019
Gr 4/5 curriculum expectations 2019-2020
FYI - In case we miss you on Curriculum Night on Sept 19th, 5:30-7pm, here is the curriculum plan for this year.
Subject Area
Reporting Term 1
Reporting Term 2
Writing Forms: Explanatory and Narrative
Word Study: use of dictionary, thesaurus, commonly misspelled words, root words, intro to word wall.
Parts of Speech: nouns, pronoun, and verbs
Style and Structure: Writing workshop- developing ideas (power writing), journal responses , letter writing, growing sentences, developing and organizing paragraphs, dialogue and elements of scripts/ skits
Writing Process: pre-writing, drafting, proofreading (developing ideas, organization, conventions).
Writing Forms: Descriptive
Word Study: solving unknown words, content words, prefix-suffixes
Parts of Speech: adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions
Style and Structure: Writing Workshop: sentence fluency, point of view, short stories, summaries, dot jots/note taking, supporting information in non-fiction text/research, bibliography, poetry, cursive. Writing Process: editing, revising, publishing (voice, word choice, sentence fluency, presentation)
Language: Reading
DRA, CASI and levelled texts. Introduction to Reader’s Workshop: read aloud, choral and shared reading,. DEAR, reading records, reading from different genres, just right books, reading responses, determining important ideas/events in fiction texts, introduction to use of text features in non- fiction texts, and Guided Reading
Reading Comprehension Strategies: purpose for reading/activating prior knowledge, predicting visualizing, and questioning Texts and Genres: non-fiction texts: table contents, simple headings, glossary, dictionary, thesaurus, atlas. Informational Texts (reports, essays, graphic and media texts), textbooks, online databases
Readers Workshop: independent reading, DEAR, Reading Responses, Extending and supporting responses, opinions/ideas with proof from text, summarizing, reading for research in non-fiction texts (use of text features, note taking, research, finding important and supporting facts in texts), and Guided Reading. Guided and Independent Literacy Circle Roles
Reading Comprehension Strategies: drawing inferences, finding important information, connections, summarizing/synthesizing, and evaluating Texts and Genres: fiction and short stories, including Literacy in Action (Understanding elements of stories- character, setting, plot) -Realistic Fiction, and Poetry
Language: Oral Communication
Cooperative group skills and effective listening and speaking strategies including clarity, coherence, vocal skills(pace/volume) -use of simple visual aids.
Communicating Skills -appropriate language, vocal skills, use of voice, body language, and organization to enhance message- Emphasis on book talks, presentations.
Use of visual aids to enhance presentations.
Gr 4 Number Sense and Numeration
read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10 000, decimal numbers to tenths, and simple fractions, and represent money amounts to $100
Gr 5 Number Sense and Numeration: Multiply 3 digit numbers by 1- digit, understand place value in numbers from 0.01 to 100 000, expanded, written form, comparing numbers to 10 000, multiplication/ division.
Gr 4 Number Sense and Numeration
solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of single- and multi-digit whole numbers, and involving the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to tenths and money amounts, using a variety of strategies
Gr 5 Number Sense and Numeration:
develop an understanding of hundredths, addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to hundredths, representing money amounts to $1000.
compare and order fractions, demonstrate and explain equivalent relationship between fractions and decimals.
Gr 4 Patterning and Algebra
demonstrate an understanding of equality between pairs of expressions, using addition, subtraction, and multiplication
Gr 5 Patterning and Algebra: create, identify, and extend numeric and geometric patterns; determine growing, shrinking, and repeating patterns.
Gr 4 Patterning and Algebra
describe, extend, and create a variety of numeric and geometric patterns, make predictions related to the patterns, and investigate repeating patterns involving reflections;
Gr 5 Patterning and Algebra: demonstrate understanding of variables in equations
Gr 4 Geometry:
identify quadrilaterals and three-dimensional figures and classify them by their geometric properties, and compare various angles to benchmarks
construct three-dimensional figures, using two-dimensional shapes
Gr 5 Geometry: identify and classify polygons according to their properties; identify, measure and construct angles and triangles; construct prisms and pyramids from nets.
Gr 4 Geometry:
identify and describe the location of an object, using a grid map, and reflect two-dimensional shapes.
Gr 5 Geometry: location of objects using cardinal direction and translate shapes
Gr 4 Measurement:
estimate, measure, and record length, perimeter, area, mass, capacity, volume, and elapsed time, using a
variety of strategies
Gr 5 Measurement: telling time to the nearest second, elapsed time, measure and record temperatures.
Gr 4 Measurement:
determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes, including the area and perimeter of rectangles.
Gr 5 Measurement: measure length, width, distance and perimeter; determine area of rectangles; measure mass, capacity and volume.
Math, continued
Gr 4 Data Management: collect and organize discrete primary data and display the data using charts and graphs, including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs
read, describe, and interpret primary data and secondary data presented in charts and graphs, including stem-and-leaf plots and double bar graphs
Gr 5 Data Management: collecting, organizing, drawing conclusions from data, creating and analyzing surveys, calculate mean for set of data, compare two sets of data.
Gr 4 Data Management:
predict the results of a simple probability experiment, then conduct the experiment and compare the prediction to the results.
Gr 5 Data Management and Probability: determine and represent all possible outcomes of simple probability experiments; represent, using fractions, the probability of an outcome.
Science and Technology
Gr 4 Life Systems - Habitats and Communities - analyse the effects of human activities on habitats and communities
Gr 5 Understanding Life Systems: Human Organ Systems
Gr 4 Earth and Space Systems
investigate, test, and compare the physical properties of rocks and minerals
demonstrate an understanding of the physical properties of rocks and minerals
Gr 4 Structures and Mechanisms
demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles and functions of pulley systems and gear systems.
Gr 4 Matter and Energy - Light and Sound: investigate the characteristics and properties of light and sound
Gr 5 Understanding Structures and Mechanisms: Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms
Gr 5 Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Conservation of Energy and Resources
Gr 5 Understanding Matter and Energy: Properties of and Changes in Matter
Social Studies
Gr 4 Political and Physical Regions of Canada:
identify Canada’s political and physical regions, and describe their main characteristics and some significant activities that take place in them
Gr 5 The role of government and responsible citizenship
demonstrate an understanding of the roles and key responsibilities of citizens and of the different levels of government in Canada
Gr 4 Early Societies, 3000 BCE- 1500 CE:
compare key aspects of life in a few early societies (3000 BCE–1500 CE), each from a different region and era and representing a different culture, and describe some key similarities and differences between these early societies and present-day Canadian society
Gr 5 Heritage and Identity: First Nations and Europeans in New France and Early Canada
-analyse some key short- and long-term consequences of interactions among and between First Nations and European explorers and settlers in New France prior to 1713
Extended French:
Oral Communication
Express ideas and opinions using correct pronunciation and appropriate intonation
Contribute to classroom routines, activities, and group discussions by asking and answering questions, expressing personal opinions, providing relevant information.
Listen to a variety of spoken texts and media works: stories, songs, poems, television and radio excerpts, weather reports.
Respond by answering and asking questions, retelling the story, identifying key words and expressions, illustrating the events described, identifying the main idea and some supporting details, expressing opinions.
Extended French: Reading
Introduction to Reader’s Workshop:
Reading Comprehension Strategies: Guided Reading groups,
Style and Structure: Whole class instruction, literature circles and shared reading partners
Reading responses through oral and brief written responses
Use research skills (e.g., formulate questions, locate information, clarify their understanding through discussion)
Demonstrate comprehension of texts read independently (e.g., poems, short stories, electronic print, simple informational texts) by briefly answering oral or written questions on the main idea and some supporting details
Extended French: Writing
Writing Forms: Explanatory and Factual
Word Study: use French-English dictionaries to verify spelling and determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary, use a thesaurus to expand their vocabulary, use appropriate organizers (e.g., table of contents, headings, charts, captions) in their written work
Parts of Speech: nouns, verbs, direct infinitif form, subject-verb agreement, gender and number, plural forms
Style and Structure: Directed teaching, journal responses, Writer’s workshop
Writing Process: Pre-writing, Writing conferences, Peer editing
Writing Forms: Descriptive
Word Study: solving unknown words, content words, finding “mots-amis”
Parts of Speech: futur proche, past tense, vous - as polite form of tu, forms of: de - de la, de l’, des, du
Style and Structure: Conferencing with the teacher, Writer’s Workshop,
Shared Writing
Writing Process: revise, edit, and proofread their writing, with the teacher’s assistance, focusing on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and conventions of style
Drama and Dance
Identify the principles of variety and unity in drama and dance - Create dance pieces using a variety of techniques. Introduction to use of appropriate language, tone, gestures and body movements when speaking in role in a drama.
Use appropriate language, tone, gestures and body movements when speaking in role in a drama continued. Awareness of audience when writing in role.
Interpret and communicate the meaning of stories/poems and other materials using a variety of drama and dance techniques.
Visual Arts
Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings
Elements of Design (Colour, Line, Texture)
Introduction to Elements of Design (Shape, Form, Space) and Perspective
Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of art works and art experiences
Elements of Design (Shape, Form, Space) and Perspective continued Interpretation and Elements of design used by artists.
Gr 5 Healthy Living: Healthy Eating
Introduction to Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours
Gr 5 Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours identifying the effects of smoking & decision making skills continued
Gr 5 Growth and Development: describe physical, emotional, and interpersonal changes associated with puberty
Physical Education
Active Participation: fair play, participate regularly, safety first. Cross Country running, Cooperative Games, Fitness goal/ pulse check for optimal rate of activity
Fitness and Cooperative Games Volleyball, indoor floor hockey, bordenball
Fitness and Cooperative Games
Active Participation: fair play, participate regularly, safety rules followed.
Fitness, Track and Field, soccer, slow-pitch, ultimate frisbee
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Oct 1st - Walking to Pape Library & we need two parents to accompany us...
Salut! We will be needing two parents to accompany us to Pape Library.
Students will be visiting Pape Library from 2:15 pm-3 pm.
Please meet us in Room 23 after last recess.
Students will be visiting Pape Library from 2:15 pm-3 pm.
Please meet us in Room 23 after last recess.
Pronunciation Quiz Tomorrow - les numéros
Our first quiz is a pronunciation quiz.
Please choose 10 out of the following 20 numbers to say en français:
Onze = 11
Quinze = 15
Dix-neuf = 19
Vingt-deux = 22
Vingt -trois = 23
Vingt-neuf = 29
Trente-et-un = 31
Cinquante = 50
Cinquante-deux = 52
Soixante = 60
Soixante douze = 72
Soixante seize = 76
Soixante dix-huit = 78
Quatre-vingt quatre = 84
Quatre vingt-dix = 90
Quatre vingt dix-sept = 97
Quatre-vingt dix-huit = 98
Cent = 100
Mille = 1000
Deux millions = 2 million
Onze = 11
Quinze = 15
Dix-neuf = 19
Vingt-deux = 22
Vingt -trois = 23
Vingt-neuf = 29
Trente-et-un = 31
Cinquante = 50
Cinquante-deux = 52
Soixante = 60
Soixante douze = 72
Soixante seize = 76
Soixante dix-huit = 78
Quatre-vingt quatre = 84
Quatre vingt-dix = 90
Quatre vingt dix-sept = 97
Quatre-vingt dix-huit = 98
Cent = 100
Mille = 1000
Deux millions = 2 million
Update! POSTPONED - Trip to Humane Society
Chères Parents,
Unfortunately we are postponing this trip to Humane Society.
To the parents that are helping us...please note we are not going on Sept 24th. Please pass onto any parents that may not check this blog.
My sincerest apologies to:
-Lisle’s mom
-Michaih’s mom
- Simona’s mom
-Vivienne’s mom
-Carter’s mom
Please email me if you have further questions,
Unfortunately we are postponing this trip to Humane Society.
To the parents that are helping us...please note we are not going on Sept 24th. Please pass onto any parents that may not check this blog.
My sincerest apologies to:
-Lisle’s mom
-Michaih’s mom
- Simona’s mom
-Vivienne’s mom
-Carter’s mom
Please email me if you have further questions,
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
School agenda: $5 To be paid online
Fyi - please check with the note sent home about paying for the agenda online. Merci beaucoup!
Sunday, September 1, 2019
September 2019 Classroom schedule for Salle 23
Day 4
Period 1
Media Literacy
Period 2
Library Book
~ Récréation 10:10 - 10:20 ~
Period 3
Period 4
~ Déjeuner 11:30 - 12:30 ~
Period 5
Period 6
~ Récréation 1:55 - 2:10 ~
Period 7
Études sociales
Reading Buddies
Rm 14
Period 8
Études sociales
Études sociales
Études sociales
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