Friday, January 26, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Dictée 18 on Thurs Feb 1st

Dictée 18 - Le Spectacle

1) tout le temps
2) la télé
3) un spectacle
4) quelques choses
5) notre Ă©cole
6) pas de problĂšme
7) c’est vrai
8) ton sujet favori
9) ton talent
10) je préfÚre
11) je déteste
12) vous parlez
13) ils jouent
14) nous chantons
15) nous dansons

Monday, January 22, 2018

Jan 31st Trip to St Lawrence Market Gallery

FYI - there was an error in the trip form, please note there is a $4 trip fee.
Also, we will need 2 more parent volunteers, please let me know if you are available to join us :)  Mme :)

Gr 4 & Gr 5 Measurement Test - Jan 30th

Friday, January 19, 2018

Save the Date - Tues Feb 6 AM - Loblaws Healthy Eating

Fyi - we will be at Loblaws (Broadview and South of Danforth) to visit the dietician from 10-11 am
and then back to school for lunch.  Merci!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Measurement Test on Tues Jan 30th, 2018

FYI - Measurement test on Tuesday Jan 30th.  Merci!!

Dictée 17 - Mon sac à dos

1) le pupitre
2) le tableau
3) les ciseaux
4) la colle
5) les marqueurs
6) la rĂšgle
7) l’horloge
8) la chaise
9) la fenĂȘtre
10) le piano
11) le bureau
12) la table
13) la gomme
14) le stylo
15) mon sac Ă  dos

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Jan 31st - Trip to Market Gallery at St Lawrence Market

Students will be a part of the ‘All Come to Order’ program learning about our first City Hall in Toronto, participating in a municipal debate, and researching with newspaper articles.

We will need 3 parent volunteers for this trip - please send a note that you are able to join us :)

Mme :)

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Update: Dictee 16 moved to Tues Jan 16th

SVP - DictĂ©e 16 moved to Tues due to our trip on Wed Jan 17th.  Merci!

Science Presentation dates - Gr 4 & 5

SVP - let me know of any extenuating circumstances & we can look at other dates in Feb to present.

Jan 16 - Zoe
Jan 18 - Zakiya, Raafah, Aidan
Jan 22 - Khadija, Anuva, Caitlin
Jan 23 - Maya, Insha, Husnaa, Fatimah, Samlin
Jan 24th- Nate, Chloe, Arslan, Will, Eshal, Liam
Jan 25th - Miranda, Zakiya, Cyrus, Joshua, Kaiden,
Jan 25th - Kiran, Ryan, Pavel, Nevin

Monday, January 8, 2018

Gr 4 Science Brochure Topics

Make sure to choose three different questions/ rocks or minerals to research facts on :)

Ryan:  Mineral - Uranium (who/what/when/where/why)
           How is uranium formed?
           How is uranium made into nuclear fuel?

Samlin:  Sedimentary rock - sandstone
              Igneous rock - diorite
              Metamorphic rock - hornfels

Eshal: All about Garnet & 2 more Questions

Kiran: Metamorphic rock - ruby
            Sedimentary rock -
           Igneous rock -


Jan 17th TUSC Greenhouse trip update

FYI - please remember to pack a litterless lunch with no soft fruit, no sweets nor pop as it encourages fruit flies.  The facilitator asks that students also bring indoor shoes & a waterbottle.


Gr 5 Science Projects far

Caitlin - Parkinson’s Disease
Will - asthma
Liam - Alzheimer’s
Raafah - Stroke
Fatimah - Diabetes 1
Maya - Diabetes 2
Miranda - ALS
Zoe - Cystic Fibrosis
Cyrus - Lung cancer
Chloe - Skin cancer
Husnaa - colon cancer
Anuva - Leprosy
Nate - arthritis
Aidan - Bone cancer
Insha - Hepatitis
Kaiden- Ebola
Arslan - poliovirus
Zakiya - HIV
Nevin - Colds

Dictée 16 - les parties du corps

1) le corps
2) le coude
3) les lĂšvres
4) le pied
5) le main
6) l’oreille
7) le nez
8) l’Ă©paule
9) le doigt
10) les bras
11) l’oeil
12) la bouche
13) la tĂȘte
14) la jambe
15) le genou

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Gr 5 Human Disease Project & Presentation Due Jan 26th, 2018

Research Presentation
Due by: Friday Jan 26, 2018

Dear Medical Researcher Student,

You have been invited to a medical conference to speak on a disease or medical condition.  In preparation for this conference…

Research a disease or medical condition.  Include the following:

Which organ system(s) affected
Side effects
How this disease/condition affects human organ systems
How diet/healthy choices and active living can help
How medical technology has helped with diagnosis, treatment, management or cure of this disease or condition
Diagrams of the body showing with system(s) affected

You will need to make a visual and oral presentation of your findings to a medical board comprised of your classmates.  The visual display should include the written notes about the disease/condition as well as pictures and diagrams.  You may use a Bristol board display, or produce a power point presentation. 

Where do I start?
- Start by writing down all the questions you have about this disease/condition.  
- Group your questions into similar topics.  
- Use your questions to guide your research.  
- Remember to make notes as you research, but not copy directly from the book or internet.

Two Internet sites that you can use to help you:

You might find it useful to contact the society that oversees the disease.  They will often have a website that you may access for information.
If you are using other websites, please have your parent or guardian check the site first.

These are suggestions for possible topics for research.  If you would like to research a disease or conditions that is not included in this list, please advise your teacher.  Each student should research a different topic (it will make the conference more interesting).  When you have chosen your topic, please clear your topic with your teacher.

Cystic fibrosis
- Ebola
- Alzheimer’s
- Diabetes (Type 1 or 2)
- Eczema
- Malaria
- Arthritis
- Allergies
- Skin Cancer
- Other Cancers (Leukemia, Bone, Colon, etc.)
- Smallpox
- Asthma
- Stroke
- Migraine
- Colds
- Cholera
- Paraplegia
- Heart Disease
- Lymphoma
- Hepatitis
- Lung Cancer
- Crohn’s Disease
- Polio
- A.L.S. (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
- Leprosy
Multiple Sclerosis
- Cerebral Palsy

Presentation Date : Before Jan 26th, 2018 & Please check-in  with Mme

Parent signature: ______________________ Student Signature:_______________

Use the following checklist as you prepare for your presentation:

1. I have found and used at least 3 sources of information including books, and Internet sites, and I have made a list of my sources.

2. I have neatly written/typed description of this disease/condition.

3. I discuss how it affects the systems of the body.

4. I identify clearly the ways medical technology and healthy living help people suffering from this disease/condition.

5. I have included labelled diagrams and pictures in my visual presentation.

6.  I have mounted my information neatly on Bristol board, or arranged my power point in an interesting manner.  I have printed a copy of my power point presentation.

7. I have included a title and headings.

8. I have revised my writing for clarity, and edited spelling and grammar.

9. I have rehearsed my oral presentation for the medical board so that I do not need to read from my notes.

10. I will practice concentrating on my presentation, speaking clearly and making eye contact with my audience.

The Human Body Project  Rubric

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Understanding of Basic Concepts
- Shows understanding of few of the basic concepts.

-Demonstrates significant misconceptions

- Gives explanations showing limited understanding.
- Shows understanding of some of the basic concepts.

-Demonstrates minor misconceptions

- Gives partial explanations.
- Shows understanding of most of the basic concepts.

-Demonstrates no significant misconceptions

- Usually gives complete or nearly complete explanations.
- Shows understanding of all of the basic concepts.

-Demonstrates no misconceptions

- Always gives complete explanations.
Inquiry and Design Skills
- Needs frequent assistance to use materials properly to complete task.

- Needs frequent reminders to stay on task.

- Gave few details about the condition and how medical technology and diet have affected sufferers.

- Provided no resources.
- Used materials properly and completed task with some assistance.

- On task some of the time.

- Gave some details about the condition and how medical technology and diet have affected sufferers.

Provided less than three resources

- Used materials properly and completed task with only occasional assistance.

- On task most of the time.

- Gave many details about the condition and how medical technology and diet have affected sufferers.

- Provided three resources.
- Used materials properly and completed task without needing assistance.

- On task all of the time.

- Gave details beyond what was required about the condition and how medical technology and diet have affected sufferers.

- Provided more than three and varied resources.

Cue cards and  1 page written report
- Oral presentation was unclear.

- Work was messy and unorganized.
- Oral presentation was sometimes clear and prepared.

- Work was a little messy and unorganized.
- Oral presentation was mostly clear and prepared.

- Work was neat and organized.
- Oral presentation was very clear and prepared.

- Work was very neat and well organized.
Relating of Science and Technology to each other and the world outside the school
- Shows little understanding of connection between science technology and the work outside the school (did not understand the purpose of the project).
- Shows some understanding of connection between science technology and the work outside the school (had trouble understanding the purpose of the project).
- Shows understanding of connection between science technology and the work outside the school 
(understood the purpose of the project).
- Shows understanding of connection between science technology and the work outside the school, as well as their implications
(understood the purpose and importance of the project).

Bristol Board or powerpoint 
-Did not prepare and organize visual props to support oral presentation
-Did prepare some visual props to support oral presentation
-Prepared visual props that fully supported oral presentation
-Prepared and organized visual props that fully supported their oral presentation and overwhelmingly engaged the audience.

-A bristol board / visual prop (Powerpoint) for your presentation
-A written 1 page (4 to 6 paragraphs) report to hand-in before your presentation
-Cue cards for your oral presentation

Total Points:     / 20

Gr 4 Rocks and Minerals Brochure Due Jan 26th, 2018

FYI - I am posting the contract and info for Gr 4 Rocks and Minerals project below.  We will start on it in the classroom. However, if students what to start reading and thinking about their topic that would be wise :)

Gr 4 Rocks and Minerals Brochure CONTRACT
** PLEASE SIGN, DATE, and return to Mme. **
I, _____________________, agree to present my project by Friday Jan 26th, 2018 or earlier.


Your brochure could be about any topic related to rocks or minerals. For example: a brochure about the 3 types of rocks; a brochure about three different minerals and their uses; a brochure focusing on details of one type of rock. Please check-in with Mme about your topic :)

My Final Product will be: (please choose one of the options below)
- Poster/ bristol board
- Paper tri-fold brochure 
- Google slideshow
STUDENT SIGNATURE:____________   PARENT SIGNATURE:_____________

Project: Gr 4 Rocks and Minerals Brochure
Due Date:  Jan 26th, 2018

Content - Accuracy 
All facts in the brochure are accurate.   Information is written in your own words.
90% of the facts in the brochure are accurate.  Information is written in your own words.
80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. 
Fewer than 70% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. 
Attractiveness & Organization 
The tri-fold brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. 
The tri-fold brochure has attractive formatting and well-organized information. 
The brochure has well-organized information. 
The brochure's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. 
Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics.
Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. 
Graphics go well with the text, but there is not enough information about rocks, minerals, and fossils. 
Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. 
Writing - Mechanics 
Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. 
1-2 capitalization and/or punctuation errors throughout the brochure. 
3-4 capitalization and/or punctuation errors throughout the brochure. 
Many capitalization and/or punctuation errors throughout the brochure. 
Writing - Grammar 
There are no grammatical mistakes in the brochure. 
1-2 grammatical mistakes throughout the brochure. 
3-4 grammatical mistakes throughout the brochure. 
Many grammatical mistakes throughout the brochure. 
Oral - 
The presentation made sense, the audience was very engaged and questions were answered .
The presentation was clear and the audience understood what was presented
The presentation was adequately presented; audience understood most of what was presented
The presentation had many mistakes, the audience was unclear about what was presented

Score:      / 20 points

Teacher comments:  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________