Monday, October 31, 2016

Pape Library Visits - Nov 29th and Dec 21st

FYI - We will be visiting Pape Library and the French Librarian on Nov 29th (Tues) and Dec 21st (Wed). Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing and shoes for walking to Pape Library on those dates. 

Merci :) Mme Jim

Choir Trip to Ontario Legistlature Nov 28th

FYI - from Ms Levy:
Ontario school choirs are invited to perform at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario's Holiday Concert Program on the Grand Staircase. After the performance, they will also take the students on a tour of the legislative buildings if we wish. I would like to apply to bring the Junior Choir to perform at this.
Who: Rooms 23, 25, 26
When: Monday, November 28 (Day 2) Arrive by11:45 and leave by1:30)
Where: Ontario Legislature
What: Choir performance takes place at 12:15-12:45. (And I would hope to take the students on a tour of the buildings after that).
Parents, if you are able to accompany us please make a note on the trip form! Merci!! Mme Jim

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dictée 8 - Les Fruits

1) la pomme
2) la banane
3) les fraises
4) les framboises
5) les raisins
6) l'ananas
7) la mûre
8) une mangue
9) une poire
10) un citron
11) une pêche
12) une orange
13) des cerises
14) un melon
15) des myrtilles = blueberries
16) un noix de coco = cocnut
17) une pastèque = watermelon
18) une grenade = pomegranate
19) une figue
20) un abricot

Friday, October 21, 2016

Thursday Nov 17th Trip to Pawsitively Pets - Animal Experience

MERCI BEAUCOUP!!! Thanks Rm 23 for volunteering your parents and grandparents!! We have 4 adults coming along with us for Nov 17th!  A big thanks to Lexie's grandparents, Jolie's mom, Seggie's mom and Dastaan's mom/dad.

Merci tout le monde :)

Dictée 7 - Les accessoires

1) les boutons
2) un chapeau
3) le sac à dos
4) le collier
5) une bague
6) une montre
7) le portefeuille
8)  une écharpe
9)  une cravate
10) un bracelet
11) les ceintures
12) les chaussures
13) les chaussettes
14) les lunettes
15) la chemise
16) le gilet
17) le manteau
18) les bottes
19) la robe
20) le pantalon

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Habitats & Communities Science Project Due: Dec 19th, 2016

Salle 23 - Ecosystem Project: BUILD AN ECOSYSTEM

WHO:  La salle 23 :)
WHEN:  Project is due Monday, Dec 19th, 2016 
WHAT:  Students work individually to research and create a habitat diorama or poster at home. Students use the knowledge gained throughout the unit to design the natural habitat for living things. Students demonstrate the interdependence of living things necessary for survival within their habitat display (food web). They present their dioramas/ posters to the class in an oral presentation. 

Students will receive an individual grade on:
1) diorama or poster display 
2) oral presentation
3) reflection paragraph 


medium shoe box, construction paper, play dough, clay, plastic figures, printed pictures, own drawings, etc..
drawings, paintings, printouts

  • at least 3-5 producers (plants), labeled
  • at least 3-5 consumers (animals), labeled
        - Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary consumers
  • at least 5 colors realistically representing the plants, animals, and scenery within the habitat
  • the sun
  • Include an explanation of how producers and consumers depend on one another in your  oral presentation 
  • neatly label plants and animals
  • title, your name, date
  • 3 planning sheets: 
- an example of a food chain in your habitat
- the food web representing the living things in your habitat
  • a brief written description of your habitat, location, weather, plants, and animals 
  • Reflection: Each student will write a 2 paragraph reflection on the effects of humans on that habitat and why that particular habitat is endangered.

I, __________________ acknowlege that I have received the science project instructions and will let my parents know that the due date is Monday, Dec 19, 2016.

Student Signature:________________   Date_______________
Parent Signature:  ________________   Date_______________

Friday, October 14, 2016

Dictée 6 - next Wednesday, Oct 19th, 2016

1) voilà = here is
2) mon oeil = my eye
3) mon coude = my elbow
4) ses lèvres = his/her lips
5) ma main = my hand
6) sa tête = his/her head
7) ton coude = your elbow
8) ses joues = her cheeks
9) ses oreilles = her ears
10) mon visage = my face
11) ta bouche = your mouth
12) ton oreille = your ear
13) son bras = his/her arm
14) ses genoux = his/her knees
15) mon oreille = my ear
16) mon genou = my knee
17) ton nez = your nose
18) ton épaule =  your shoulder
19) ses pieds = his/her feet
20) voici =  this is

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Oct 12th Trip - Parent Volunteers MERCI BEAUCOUP!!

FYI - A BIG THANKS to Jolie's mom, Liam's mom, Molly's dad and Kaiden's dad for coming along on Oct 12th to City Hall/Textile Museum !! :)

Dictée 5 - Thurs Oct 13th

La Famille/ Les parties du corp:

mon frère
ma mère
mon chat
mon grand-père
mon chien
ma soeur
mon oiseau
mon poisson
la tête
mon père
la bouche
le nez
les yeux
mes genoux
les pieds
ma grand-mère
le coude

Dictée 5 - Thurs Oct 13th

La Famille/ Les parties du corp:

mon frère
ma mère
mon chat
mon grand-père
mon chien
ma soeur
mon oiseau
mon poisson
la tête
mon père
la bouche
le nez
les yeux
mes genoux
les pieds
ma grand-mère
le coude

Monday, October 3, 2016