Friday, February 26, 2016

FYI - Mar 31st is our trip to FoodShare

Salut Les Parents - Please let me know if you are able to join us on this trip. Merci!

Link for more info:

FYI - Mme Jim at Island School Mon to Wed (Feb 29 to Mar2); Mme Dorcin to cover Salle 23

FYI - I will be away to help supervise Island School activities with the Gr 5 students. Please note that Dictée will continue as usual on Wed and we will follow our normal routine during this time.

Merci beaucoup,
Mme Jim

Pape Library - le 23 mars (2 -3 pm)

FYI - we will be walking to Pape Library on Wed March 23rd to visit Sarah, Pape's Librarian.

FYI - TDSB Creates Festival program in collaboration w/ Artist for Salle 23

Dear Parents / Guardian,

Mme Mahovlich’s class and Mme Jim’s class have been chosen to participate in the TDSB Creates Festival program 2016.  This will take place towards the end of April 2016.

This is a special opportunity to work with a visual artist, Taya Kozak who will explore transformation, identity and new beginnings with our students.  We will create a collaborative art piece that will be enjoyed at Wilkinson Jr P.S. for many years to come. Coincidentally, just in time for Wilkinson P.S.’s 100th anniversary celebration!

The students will be using multi-media collage to explore their personal perspectives and connections to their history, idea of identity, and dreams of their future.

We are asking students to gather:

-yogurt containers the large size (850 g) for mixing paint
-lids from the yogurt containers for use as palettes
-old newspapers 
-magazines with pictures of landscapes, animals, food, lifestyle pictures, etc. (i.e. National Geographic, Owl magazine,  House & home, etc)
-old damaged picture books that we can cut up
-any visual images that represent your family and where they come from (we can go several generations back) 
-pictures of the country of origin your family cam from (people or landscapes)...
Please note: Any family pictures or landscape photos will be scanned and will be returned to the student.

Please drop off any of the above items before April 22, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dictée 23 - Le Blason (le 9 mars)

1) le blason = coat of arms
2) en d'or = in gold
3) debout = standing
4) un ours noir = a black bear
5) l'orignal = moose
6) le cerf = deer
7) la feuille d'érable = the maple leaf
8) le bouclier = shield
9) bien sûr = of course
10) le symbole = the symbol
11) une couronne = a crown
12) les animaux = the animals
13) représenter = to represent
14) le drapeau = a flag
15) l'Antiquité = in antiquity

Dictée 22 - Les Banquets de moyen âge en france ( le 2me mars)

1) les fourchettes = the forks
2) les nappes = table cloths
3) le vin - the wine
4) la viande = the meat
5) le héron = heron
6) le paon = peacock
7) le cygne = the swan
8) le repas = the meal
9) le safran = the saffron
10) le cumin = the cumin
11) le gingembre =ginger
12) la richesse = the wealth
13) les royaumes = the kingdoms
14) la nourriture = the food
15) lointains = distant

Salle 23 - Advice for Organizing, Staying positive and getting along

How to keep your belongings out of the Lost & Found:
·      Be organized so you won’t lose your stuff!  - Razeen
·      Keep your stuff in a bag! – Abene
·      Make a spot on your desk for your book/ pens/ pencils, et cetera – Polly
·      Make sure you don’t bring valuable things to school – Wanya
·      Keep your stuff in a safe place!  - Lexie
·      Make a place for books! –
·      Be careful of stuff and where you put it! - Sarthak

How to keep good self-esteem and a positive attitude:
·      Don’t bring up a negative attitude! –
·      If you’re in a bad mood, don’t make other people in a bad mood! – Leah
·      Keep your bad mood to yourself! – Pippa
·      Sometimes you are in a bad mood and need alone time –
·      If you think of negative things you won’t be happy! – Amelia
·      If you are stressed, get a stress ball and have some alone time
- Benji

How to deal with “Mean” comments or situations:
·      Fix the comments – Rishav
·      Walk away from them! – Omer
·      If it’s not a bad, bad comment…don’t care about it! –
·      If you have a feeling to say something bad and ruin someone’s life… don’t walk over to them! – Amelia & Nusyba
·      If someone says something mean, don’t say something back! – Taylor & Razeen
·      Don’t exclude anyone – Farah & Razeen
·      If someone excludes you…don’t do it back! – Farah
·      If you say something bad to them and get them in trouble, say "sorry", and tell the teacher you did it – Razeen
·      If somebody says something mean, ignore them, and walk away! – Fizza
·      Saying mean things back to a bully won’t solve a problem – Wanya
·      Remember that a bully does what they do because they are usually jealous - Abene

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Dictée 21 - Le moyen âge: la vie dans le chateau (pour le 24 février)

1) voler
2) les seigneurs
3) le pont-levis
4) la cuisine
5) un château 
6) un tour de garde
7) endroit
8) les murs
9) l'époque
10) une fête
11) les puits
12) les écuries
13) les forteresses
14) mieux
15) protéger

Snack list - Salle 23 Movie afternoon - Tues Feb 16th

Thank you for offering to bring something for our Movie/ PJ afternoon:

Polly - chocolates/mini-cupcakes
Fizza - lollipops
Razeen - mini "savoury" snack
Rebecca - Fruit platter
Elisa - cookies
Jolie - caramel popcorn
Amelia - chocolate
Yusuf - popcorn
Lexie - lollipops
Leah - fruit gummies
Chase - mini-cupcakes
William - chips
Taylor - chips

**if you are bringing a stuffed toy make sure it can fit easily into your backpack (otherwise it is too big)

Friday, February 12, 2016

Pape Library visit - Feb 24th (2-3) pm - Mr Krentz to accompany

FYI - we will be walking to Pape Library on Feb 24th.  Students who had borrowed French books can return them on this visit and borrow more!  Please bring your library card.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dictée 20 (pour le 17 février)

1)   (Ils) ne voient pas = (They) didn't see  - plural form
2)  rapide = fast
3) attrape = catch
4) elle suit = she follows
5) l'arc-en-ciel = the rainbow
6) l'arbre = the tree
7) elle glisse = she glides
8) elle atterrit = she lands
9) le nez = the nose
10) une autre = one other
11) elle grimpe = she climbs
12) trop = too much
13) elle va = she goes
14) elle attend = she waits
15) elle tombe = she falls

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

St Valentin card exchange tomorrow

Here is the class list for cards:

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016

Paper House Reading Response Chapter Questions cont'd: Ch 19 to Ch 22

The Paper House cont'd  - Please add to your list of questions for The Paper House

Ch 19: What does Cucu mean when she comments to herself on p. 91: " The people whose faces we cannot see...These are the ones we left behind." Please explain why you think she said that after looking at Safiyah's mural.

Ch 20: The mural attracted attention from the local newspaper.  Why did the media become interested in the mural?  Why would it be an interesting story for the paper?

Ch 21: Why does Safiyah feel ashamed about being in the newspaper?  What do you think she should be feeling?  How would you be feeling if you were in Safiyah's shoes?

Ch 22: Safiyah is receiving a scholarship to go to school.  She decides she doesn't want to be an artist anymore.  Do you agree with her? Why do you think she changed her mind?  Do you agree or not? Explain your thinking.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dictée 19 - Chloé le caméléon

1) le caméléon = chameleon
2) les mouches = the flies
3) vite = fast
4) la bouche = the mouth
5) aussi = also
6) bientôt = soon
7) puis = then
8) haut = tall
9) le ciel = the sky
10) bleu foncé = dark blue
11) à travers = across
12) mais = but
13) Il pleut = it rains
14) le sable = the sand
15) la feuille = the leaf

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Les Directions Dialogue due by February 22nd

FYI - if you and your partner are ready to present earlier, please let Mme know so we can schedule your presentation in. 

Each student is responsible for 10 lines of dialogue in French.

We are focussing on memorizing our lines - please make sure you have practiced before you present.


Feb 22 - Scholastics orders are due

Friday Feb 5th - Subtraction quiz

Please go over Subtraction worksheets 1-4 and prepare for the quiz on Friday.

Feb 8th - Pape Library Visit from 2-3 pm

FYI  - Room 23 will be walking to Pape Library on Feb 8th to visit the French Children's librarian.
Students are able to bring their library card.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

No Ordinary Day Guided Reading Questions

No Ordinary Day   By: Deborah Ellis       Name:__________
Due: Monday May 30th, 2016

Note to Parents: Please discuss these words with your child:
poverty, child-slavery, homelessness, leprosy, prejudice, stereotype, ulcers, bacterial infection, antibiotics

Summary:  Valli, an Indian girl from a poverty-stricken coal town, decides to run away one day when she discovers that her "auntie" is actually just a woman who was paid by her own family to watch over her. Valli does not come from much, not being able to go to school or to even eat on a regular basis. Her background helps her to be resourceful when she ends up in Kolkatta, homeless. Valli's only fear is of the "monsters", who are actually lepers, who resided on the wrong side of her coal town. Little does she know that her magic feet that don't feel are a symptom of leprosy, and that to escape poverty, she must choose to face the monsters. 

Chapter 1: What does Valli have to do to help her family? What does she really want to spend her time doing instead?  Why is this important to Valli?

Chapter 2: Why does Valli decide to jump onto a coal truck and become a “stowaway”?  Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
Chapter 3:  Why does Valli try to impress Mrs Mukerjee with reciting the alphabet on page 39? What  do you think Valli was trying to do?

Chapter 4: Why does Valli give the soap away? In your opinion, was it a good move? Why or why not?  For example, she could have sold the soap for money.  

Chapter 5: Valli is now a homeless child on the streets of Kolkata.  What does she learn to do to survive? Name three things that she had to do in order to survive on the streets.

Chapter 6:  Valli is alone on the streets. At the end of the chapter she feels that she is not alone and that she “almost has friends.”  Please explain why you think she feels that way, especially when she is “all alone”.

Chapter 7: What does Valli do at the river with the coins?  Did she really “make things happen” like magic?  Explain why or why not?

Chapter 8: Why does she trust Dr Indra and follow a stranger?  Explain three reasons why this is dangerous and how Valli tries to keep herself “safe”.

Chapter 9: Valli knows she is sick but runs away to live on the streets because of the “monsters”. What is she really scared of and does her fear help her? Please explain and use connections from your life? Would it be easier to run away from a problem?

Chapter 10:  Valli gets kicked out of the bookstore.  She really wants the biology book, and knows that “books are not for her” based on how badly she looks and smells.  Why is there a prejudice against poor people being able to read or even be able to go to where “rich” people go? Is this different here in Canada? How is it different? Do we have prejudice for other things? Please explain.   

Chapter 11: Valli goes back to the hospital. What made her return to Dr Indra? Do you think she is still scared but still decided to go? 

Chapter 12: What is an oath? Why does Dr Indra want to honour her oath? What three personality traits does this reveal to you that Dr Indra has based on her oath?

Chapter 13: Usha helps Valli in more ways than just cleaning her up & making Valli tea.  She asks Valli to “look at her”.  What does this do for Valli? Do you think Valli still has fear and prejudice against Usha? Why or why not?

Chapter 14: Valli likes to learn.  What did she teach herself to do?  Have you ever figured out how to do something on your own that your parents do? What was it? How did you figure it out?

Chapter 15:   What does Dr Indra gives Valli her old biology textbook; is this an amazing gift?  Do you think giving is more important than receiving a gift? Why or why not?

Please note: All the royalties from No Ordinary Day go to The Leprosy Mission out of Canada. In fact, all of Deborah Ellis's book royalties (money made from each book) go to various charity organizations. 

Iqbal Guided Reading Questions

Term 2: Guided Reading Questions
Due: Monday, May 30, 2016
-Please copy the question for each chapter response into your journal before each entry, date, title and underline the title for each entry. 
-Write a minimum 6 sentences for each chapter response.  
-If you are behind a chapter, please take the book home and catch up on your reading.  Merci!!
Ch. 1:  In Chapter 1, some of the children are envious that Fatima, the main character, had never been punished by their master. They were envious of her.  

Have you ever experienced being envious of others?  Can you describe this emotion, and in your opinion, is this a positive or negative emotion to have?

Ch. 2:  In Chapter 2, we will learn that in Pakistan, movies and television were a luxury that only rich people could afford. Many farmers and laborers could not afford to go to the movies or have a television.

Is television a luxury in North America? Why or why not?  Please use connections from your own life and the story to explain.

Ch. 3: A peasant are farmers or farm workers who spend their day plowing the field.  A merchant is a businessperson who buys and sells goods for profit and maybe owns their own store. 

In your opinion, which job is more important to society?  Why?  Which job (peasant vs. merchant) would you prefer to have? Is your answer different from the first question? Why or why not?

Ch. 4: Something or someone precious is of “great, great value or worth.” Your new iPad may be important to you, but the necklace that was handed down to you from your great grandmother, your grandmother, and your mother on your fifteenth birthday is precious. 

In Chapter 4, we learn that Hussain has told another carpet maker that Iqbal is precious. Why would Hussein consider Iqbal precious? Explain and use details from the novel.
Ch. 5: “Before they could grab him and take the knife away, Iqbal had cut twice more and the world’s most beautiful blue carpet was in pieces on the red earth of the floor.” (page 35)

Why did Iqbal destroy the beautiful “Blue Bukhara” carpet he worked so hard and fast to create? What message do you think he was trying to tell the master without using his words?

Ch.6: In this chapter we read that Hussain’s house is dark, silent, and menacing. This means that the house seems threatening and scary. (page 43)

How would you describe their master, Hussain? Please choose three adjectives that describe Hussain’s character; use an example from the the book to explain why you chose each of the three characteristics. 

Ch.7: A litany is “a type of prayer that includes responses and may be repetitive.” Sometimes litany makes people feel comforted or happy during difficult times. In Chapter 7, we learn that the children often list the things they would like to do when their debt is cancelled. They say it is like litany for them and a “way to feel good.”

What would or could be your ‘litany’, if you did have one? What could you repeat to yourself (i.e. positive self-talk) to help make you feel better?  


Ch.8: A fugitive is someone who is running away from authority. In this story, Iqbal has escaped from Hussain (his boss and master), so Iqbal is a fugitive.  

Where do you think Iqbal should flee to in order to stay free? Does he have anywhere safe to go? Why or why not? Please explain your thoughts.

Ch.9:The Labor Liberation Front was considered a traitor by the people who owned the bonded laborers.” (page 72)

The Labor Liberation Front (L.L.F.) is an organization that wants all children to live a normal and healthy life, but the L.L.F. are being labelled a “traitor”. Explain the word traitor in the quote above. What does it mean? Why do the “owners” of the bonded child laborers call the L.L.F. a traitor?

Ch.10 “But now there’s a law in our country that makes these clandestine factories illegal.” (page 79)

Explain why you think these carpet factories are able to continue to operate if there is an official law that makes them illegal, because they are using bonded child labour.  Why are they still breaking the law?

Ch.11: “He had been threatened, beaten, imprisoned; yet after each time, he had started afresh, driven by enthusiasm and perseverance.” (page 82) 

Explain what the word perseverance means in the above quote. Then share an example of when you could or would choose to use perseverance in your own life.

Ch.12: “You know how hard it is to get the magistrates to intervene.” (page 92)

It is sometimes very difficult for a person to choose to enter a situation and change what is happening.  Have you ever jumped in and changed a negative situation into a positive one? Of course, it’s OK if you haven’t. 
But, can you tell me a time you have seen others change a negative situation into a positive one, maybe out on the school yard? Or at home?

Ch.13: “All the men had come back grim and discouraged that day, even Eshan Khan, who was always optimistic and ready to smile.” (page 105)

How do you stay optimistic in your everyday life? 
Now, in your opinion, would you be able to stay optimistic everyday in Pakistan? Why or why not? If you could stay optimistic, how would you stay optimistic? What strategies would you use to stay optimistic in the face of challenge?
Ch.14: “There’s going to be an international conference on labour problems.” (page 109)

Why is it important to have a conference on child labour problems?  What can meeting and discussing the problems do?  Have you ever solved any problems through meeting and discussing them?
Please explain your thoughts and connections. 

Ch.15: “Forgive my cowardice, Fatima.” (page 116)

Why did Maria wait so long to tell Fatima that Iqbal had passed away? In your opinion, why did Maria behave so cowardly? Or explain why you feel Maria did the right thing to not tell Fatima right away.


The Paper House Guided Reading Questions

The Paper House Chapter Questions               Name:________________

Due: Monday May 30, 2016

SVP: Label your Chapter response. Copy the question, and write your paragraph answer (6 - 8 sentences) underneath. Merci! 

  1. Think about a typical day in your life. How would your life be different if you were forced to work to support your family instead of going to school? What if you had to sell garbage, like Safiyah?
  2. Safiyah dreams of learning to read and write. What do you think she’d say to a North American child who grumbles about having to go to school every day?
  3. When Safiyah loses her footing and falls in the pile of garbage, something sharp pokes her in the back. Consider what your family throws away. What sorts of dangers do you suppose would be lurking in the dump?
  4. Do you feel rich most of the time? What about if you compare your possessions to Safiyah’s?What about if you compare your advantages (i.e. hot meals, baths, a clean bed to sleep in) to hers?   How does the perspective of wealth differ depending on who you are?
  5. Safiyah’s grandmother is ill, but the girl doesn’t want to take her to the hospital because she knows that people who go there never come home. As you see it, is she right in making this decision on behalf of her grandmother? Discuss.
  6. In the middle of chapter 6, Safiyah recalls one of Cucu’s stories about when Safiyah was a baby. What are some familiar stories from your childhood?
  7. At the end of chapter 6, Safiyah heads back to the dump even though she knows it’s dangerous—and that Cucu has forbidden her to cross paths with Blade again. As you see it, why do children sometimes ignore the advice of their elders? Why does Safiyah do it, in this instance?
  8. Safiyah is surprised when Blade—Rasul—offers to get her some clean water to drink. As far as she knows, he’s a fearsome gang member, not a friend to children in need. Write or talk about a time when you were surprised by someone who turned out to be different than you expected.
  9. Cucu asks Safiyah to return to Kibera to get her mancala board. Similar to Safiyah’s rope bracelet, the mancala board is the only thing Cucu has left from village life. What is precious to you? What one thing would you take if you had to flee your home and community?
  10. When Safiyah returns home to get Cucu’s mancala board, she is greeted by her new neighbor. She knows many of the people who live in the slum. What is the importance of  neighbors? Do you know yours? Why is being part of a community so important to us?
  11. When Safiyah realizes Pendo has changed the nature of her mural, she becomes angry with her friend and begins to destroy the girl’s work. What would you say to Safiyah right now, if you could?
  12. Despite Rasul’s tendency to look out for Safiyah, people in the community don’t trust him. Even if he hasn’t personally hurt them, they know about the unjust things he has done to others. Discuss how a person’s reputation shapes the way they are seen by other people.
  13. Cucu tells Safiyah friendship is hard. Give an example of a time in your life where you have found this to be true.
  14. In making up with Pendo, Safiyah realizes that words are easy—and that some-   times they make it too easy to hurt a good friend. How have you used words in the wrong way? What’s a good way to avoid doing this again?
  15. Safiyah works on her mural until her eyes and body ache. She loves the work and wants to do an excellent job. She doesn’t mind that the work is hard, because the results feel so good. What sorts of projects or pastimes do you feel passionate about?
  16. Not only is Safiyah a gift to Cucu and her community, she also possesses  artistic gifts. List five things in your world that you consider to be gifts. Now make a list of five gifts you have.
  17. Safiyah and Cucu used to live in a rural village with a big community. Now they are forced to live in a Nairobi slum, where it’s a struggle to survive. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement: “Humans can adapt to anything.”
  18. When Safiyah is being congratulated by her community, the women hug her and pinch her cheeks. This is a cultural ritual that shows approval. What rituals of approval have you found in your culture?
  19. What does Cucu mean when she comments to herself on p. 91: " The people whose faces we cannot see...These are the ones we left behind." Please explain why you think she said that after looking at Safiyah's mural.
  20.  The mural attracted attention from the local newspaper.  Why did the media become interested in the mural?  Why would it be an interesting story for the paper? 
  21. Why does Safiyah feel ashamed about being in the newspaper?  What do you think she should be feeling?  How would you be feeling if you were in Safiyah's shoes?
  22. Safiyah is receiving a scholarship to go to school.  She decides she doesn't want to be an artist anymore.  Do you agree with her? Why do you think she changed her mind?  Do you agree or not? Explain your thinking.

Term 2 Reading Response Questions Due May 30, 2016

Salut les parents!!  FYI - we are starting our Term 2 Guided Reading.

There are three novel groups: 1) The Paper House by: Lois Peterson
                                                2) Iqbal by Francesco D'Adamo (Author), Ann Leonori 
                                                3) No Ordinary Day by: Deborah Ellis

All journals are due May 30th.  We will have the Comprehension Test during that week. Merci!