Friday, December 18, 2015

Rock info


Joyeuses Fêtes et Nouvel An!


Reading Response due: Jan 21st
Rock project is due: Jan 25th

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dictée 15 - Ontario

1) la rivière Ottawa
2) le lac Supérieur
3) le lac Erie
4) le lac Huron
5) le lac Michigan
6) le lac Ontario
7) la baie d'Hudson
8) la baie James
9) une province
10) une ville
11) en Ontario
12) le plus petit
13) La frontière
14) les Grands Lacs
15) la partie nord

Monday, December 14, 2015

Holiday Card Exchange Friday Dec 18th

It's that time again!

Salle 23 will be exchanging holiday greetings on Friday. For those students choosing to exchange cards please remember to write one for each person in the class! And, cards can be home-made!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dictée 14 - la revue

1) le paysage = landscape
2) qu'est-ce qui se passe? = what happened?
3) L’Île-du-Prince-Édouard = PEI
4) parce que = because
5) la cuisine = kitchen
6) les roches = the rocks
7) tout à coup = suddenly
8) à la chasse = hunting
9) maintenant = now
10) la nouvelle écosse = Nova Scotia
11) Ils ont sommeil. = They are asleep.
12) La colombie-britannique = British Columbia
13) Les territories du nord-oeust = NWT
14) Le nouveau-Brunswick = New Brunswick
15) Elle travaille.  = She works

Thursday, December 3, 2015

ROM trip a success!! Merci Beaucoup Les Parents!!

Thank you to our parent volunteers that accompanied us to the ROM. It was a great trip!! We had a wonderful rocks and minerals lab experience, and also had the time to see many amazing ancient civilizations exhibits!! Merci tout le monde!

Dictée 13 - Les Provinces et Les Territoires du Canada

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Rocks & Minerals Brochure & Report due: Jan 25th 2016

Details for the Rock Project:

FYI - students will be working on creating a brochure (including: one mineral, one sedimentary rock, one igneous rock, one metamorphic rock) and presenting to the class their written report on a favourite rock or mineral (1 paragraph minimum; 2 paragraphs maximum).

Here are the research sheets, brochure and report template handed out in class:

DUE DATE:  ________________________

SCENARIOYou have just been appointed the Director of The Hall of Minerals at the Museum of Natural History.  Your first task is to create a brochure on the new exhibit, “Minerals & Rocks Used in Everyday Life.”  The brochure will feature one mineral, one igneous rock, one sedimentary rock, and one metamorphic rock.  


1.  You will need to select ONE from each category for your brochure. There are examples provided, or you can choose your own.

Minerals Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic  
Magnetite Andesite Siltstone Schist
Galena Scoria Breccia Phyllite
Calcite Peridotite Chert Amphibolite
Plagioclase Pegmatite Shale Gneiss
Cinnabar Diorite Conglomerate Hornfels

2.  Once you make your selection, you can visit the website to gather information for your brochure, or any other reputable website (not Wikipedia). 

3.  Complete the NOTES SHEET using the information you gathered.  

4.  You must include A COLORED PICTURE OF EACH ROCK AND MINERAL in your brochure in EACH CATEGORY. This can be hand drawn, or a printed picture.

  1. Your brochure will be a tri-fold pamphlet which includes information on both sides.  Follow the BROCHURE TEMPLATE provided.


By signing below, I am acknowledging that I understand what I need to get done and to ask for help form my teacher or parent when needed.
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ________________ Date:_______________
PARENT SIGNATURE: _________________ Date:_______________



Igneous Rock
Sedimentary Rock


Metamorphic Rock

(Back Cover)

Websites and/or books Used

Front Cover

1.  MINERAL:  Describe the mineral’s physical properties.

  • Name of the mineral you selected:  __________________________
  • Chemical Composition:  ____________________________________ 
  • Luster:  ________________________________________________
  • Colour:  __________________________________________
  • Cleavage/Fracture:  ______________________________________
  • Hardness:  _____________________________________________ 
  • Streak:  _______________________________________________
  • Form (shape):___________________________________________
  • ANY Other unique characteristics: ______________________________________________________ 
  • In which locations can the mineral be found:
  • List at least 2 uses of the mineral: 
  • What did YOU find most interesting about this mineral?

2.  IGNEOUS ROCK:  Describe the igneous rock. 

  • Name of the igneous rock you selected:  _____________________
  • Mineral Composition: _____________________________________
  • Texture:  ______________________________________________
  • In which locations can this igneous rock be found?  _____________
  • TWO uses of this igneous rock:  ____________________________
  • What did YOU find most interesting about this igneous rock? ______________________________________________________

3.  SEDIMENTARY ROCK:  Describe the sedimentary rock.

  • Name of the sedimentary rock you selected:  __________________
  • Mineral Composition: _____________________________________
  • Texture:  ______________________________________________
  • In which locations can this sedimentary rock be found?  __________
  • TWO uses of this sedimentary rock:  ________________________
  • What did YOU find most interesting about this sedimentary rock?

4.  METAMORPHIC ROCK:  Describe the metamorphic rock.

  • Name of the metamorphic rock you selected:  _________________
  • Mineral Composition: _____________________________________
  • Texture:  ______________________________________________
  • In which locations can this metamorphic rock be found?  _________
  • TWO uses of this metamorphic rock:  ________________________
  • What did YOU find most interesting about this metamorphic rock?


Now that you have researched about each type of rock, choose your favourite rock or mineral to write about and share with your peers.
Please write a minimum of 1 paragraph, maximum of 2 paragraphs.

Friday, November 27, 2015


Thank you for volunteering for our trip on Thursday Dec 3rd :) Please note that we will aim to be at the  ROM by 9:50 am. Our Lab and exhibit tour starts at 10 am.

If you indicated that you have a ROM membership with you, please bring the card on Thurs. The ROM will do the discount on-sight for us. (Merci encore!!)

Parent volunteers:
Leah's mom
Jolie' dad
Abene's mom
Elisa's mom
(Pippa's Dad to meet us there)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Dictée 12 - Trois petits cochons

1) content = happy
2) triste = sad
3) un jour = one day
4) entend = hear
5) parce que = because
6) la paille = the straw
7) le bois = the wood
8) les briques = the bricks
9)  Il crie = he yells
10) Elle voit = she sees 
11) qu'est-ce qui se passe? = what's happened
12) souffle = whistle
13) tout à coup = suddenly
14) les roches = rocks
15) du Canada = of Canada

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Geometry unit starts this week! Please bring a protractor to class!

Dictée 11 - Trois petits cochons

1) Voici = here is
2) une histoire = a story
3) grand = big
4) petit = small
5) joue = play
6) la guitare = the guitar
7) gentil = nice
8) travaille = work
9) un peu = a little
10) beaucoup = a lot
11) aime = like
12) la musique = the music
13) danse = dance
14) chante = sing
15) une maison = a house

Friday, November 13, 2015

Holes - Chapter Response Questions Due: January 21 , 2016

Chapter 1
• What do you learn in this chapter about the setting of the story? Based on its name, what would you imagine a place called Camp Green Lake to be like? What is it really like?

Chapter 2
• Do you think it’s true that digging holes can turn a bad person into a good one? What are some other unpleasant things you’ve heard about that are supposed to “build character”?

Chapter 3
• Stanley’s father, an inventor, says, “I learn from failure.” What do you think this means? Have you ever learned from failure?

Chapter 4
• What kind of tattoo does Mr. Sir have? What does this tell you about him?

Chapter 5
• Why do the boys call Mr. Pendanski “Mom”? Does this nickname suit him?

Chapter 6
• Why don’t the boys believe Stanley when he tells them he stole the sneakers?

Chapter 7
• What does Stanley learn from digging his first hole? Why do you think he feels proud when his hole is finished?

Chapter 8
• Do you believe in curses? Why or why not?

Chapter 9
  • How do you feel about the nickname X-Ray gives Stanley? Do you have a nickname? If so, 
how did you get it?

Chapter 10
• Why do the boys always line up for water in the same order? What’s the significance to this order?

Chapter 11
• What does X-Ray ask Stanley to do? Why does Stanley agree to this? What would you have done?

Chapter 12
• Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley: “You messed up your life, and it’s up to you to fix it.” Do you agree with this?

Chapter 13
• What does Stanley gain when he agrees to help X-Ray? What does he lose?

Chapter 14
• Were you surprised to discover that the Warden is a woman? What else do you find out about the Warden in this chapter?

Chapter 15
• Do you think Zigzag and the other campers are correct in believing that the Warden is always watching them, or are they just being paranoid?

Chapter 16
• Can you think of some reasons why Zero might not be familiar with any nursery rhymes or the show Sesame Street?

Chapter 17
• What does Stanley find out about Zigzag in this chapter?

Chapter 18
• Why do you think Stanley continues lying to his mom and dad in his letters?

Chapter 19
• Why does Stanley tell Mr. Sir that he stole the sunflower seeds? What would you have done?

Chapter 20
• The Warden does not raise her voice, and she usually speaks in seemingly polite phrases. What makes her so menacing?

Chapter 21
• Why do you think Zero finishes Stanley’s hole for him?

Chapter 22
• Does Stanley seem like a good teacher? Have you ever tutored anyone? What did you learn from the experience?

Chapter 23
• Does the portrait the author paints of Green Lake seem realistic? Can you point to any details that strike you as too good to be true?

Chapter 24
• How does Mr. Sir get back at Stanley? Do you think it is Stanley’s fault that Mr. Sir got scratched?

Chapter 25
• Does it seem like Sam is a respected member of the Green Lake community? Why or why not?

Chapter 26
• Based on the facts the author gives you, can you answer the question, “Whom did God punish?”

Chapter 27
• Why don’t the other boys approve of Stanley and Zero’s arrangement? Do you think it is fair to both boys?

Chapter 28
• Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s?

Chapter 29
• What do you think is the significance of Stanley’s vision of the giant thumb?

Chapter 30
• Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts him? What would you do in his position?

Chapter 31
• Why doesn’t Stanley go after Zero?

Chapter 32
• Thinking about Zero,“what worried Stanley the most...was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” What does this mean?

Chapter 33
• Does Stanley approach his predicament intelligently? Is his logic sound? What would you do in the same situation?

Chapter 34
• When Stanley sees Big Thumb, “He kept walking toward it, although he didn’t know why.” Why do you think Stanley keeps going?

Chapter 35
• How would you describe Stanley and Zero’s relationship at this point in the story?

Chapter 36
• What does Stanley learn about himself as they climb the mountain? What does he learn about Zero?

Chapter 37
• Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?

Chapter 38
• “[Stanley] thought only about each step, and not the impossible task that lay before him.” Have you ever attempted anything that seemed impossible? How did you approach it? What did you learn from the experience?
Chapter 39
• Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess about the stolen shoes?

Chapter 40
• Why is Stanley surprised to find the sack of jars and the shovel so far down the mountain?

Chapter 41
• Zero says, “If I had just kept those old smelly sneakers, then neither of us would be here right now.” Do you think he’s right? Is there anything positive about their situation?

Chapter 42
• Stanley believes it was his destiny to be hit by those falling shoes. What’s the difference between coincidence and destiny? Do you believe in destiny?

Chapter 43
• When he hears Zero’s stories, how does Stanley feel about his own family? How do these stories make you feel?

Chapter 44
• How do you think Stanley and Zero feel when the Warden confronts them?

Chapter 45
• What do you learn about the Warden in this chapter? How does it influence your feelings about her?

Chapter 46
• Why do you think Zero gives Stanley the thumbs-up sign?

Chapter 47
• The Warden’s name is Walker; who else in the story has the same last name? Why might this be important?

Chapter 48
• Why won’t Stanley leave without Hector?

Chapter 49
• The chapter ends with these words:“...and for the first time in over a hundred years, a drop of rain fell into the empty lake.” Does this seem important to you? Why do you suppose the author chose to end Part II here?

Chapter 50
• How has Stanley changed in the course of the story? Do you think Stanley had a “hole” in his life before attending Camp Green Lake? Does he have one now?

The Breadwinner - Chapter Response questions for Guided Reading Due: Jan 21, 2016

The Breadwinner Chapter Questions:

  1. What was Parvana's father's former occupation? What was her family's old home like?                                                
    1. 2. 
                    1. \
                    1. Why did Parvana need to accompany her father to the market? Why does it have to be Parvana and not Nooria or their mother?

  1. 3. What happened to Hossain? What happens to Parvana's father?

  1. 4. Why doesn't Mother write in the beginning of the book? Explain what happens to make her change her mind.

  1. 5. Describe how life changes for Parvana's family after Mrs. Weera comes to live with them.

  1. 6. How do Nooria and Parvana get along? Does it change from the beginning of the story to the end? Find examples of how their relationship changes or stays the same.

  1. 7. Why do you think Parvana keeps the Window Woman a secret? Why does she plant flowers for her at the end of the book?

  1. 8. What does reading the Talib's letter reveal to Parvana? How does this change her view of the Talib in general? Did it change your ideas of the Talib as well?

  1. 9.
  1. How does running into Shauzia change life for Parvana? How would the story be different if they hadn't run into each another?

  1. 10.  
      1. What does the story of Malali mean to Parvana? Do you think Parvana is like   
  1.         Malali?


  1. 11. If you had to make the same decision as Shauzia, would you have stayed in 
Afghanistan? Do you think she's a “bad person” for wanting to leave? Why?

  1. 12.     What do you think was the hardest thing that Parvana experienced? Why?   

         What helped her endure it?

  1. 13.  Would you have been as brave as Parvana? What would have happened to her 

        family if she hadn't become the breadwinner?

  1. 14.  Why do you think Deborah Ellis wrote this book? Do you think it's still 

        important to read about the Taliban even though they are no longer in power?

  1. 15.   In your opinion, do you think that Parvana and Shauzia will meet at the Eiffel   

        Tower in 20 years? Why or why not?  

Math Patterning Test on Monday November 16, 2015

Dictée 10 - Nov 18, 2015

1) Ils ont faim = They are hungry

2) le téléphone = the telephone

3) Vous avez = You have (plural)

4) Nous avons = We have

5) Ils poursuivent = They follow

6) la tête = the head

7) Ils ont sommeil = They are asleep

8) J'ai = I have

9) l'air triste = seems sad / look of sadness

10) au plafond = on the ceiling

11) de la chance = lucky

12) Arrêtez = Stop!

13) Commencez = Go/ start

14) Pensez = Think

15) un stylo = a pen

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Scholastics orders postponed until further apologies :(

FYI - thanks for supporting our classroom with orders for Scholastics, however, at this time I have been asked to refrain from ordering until further notice...Merci, Mme Jim

Dictée 2 - Wed Sept 23rd: Les nombres 16 à 30

21vingt et un[vant-ay-uh]