Thursday, November 27, 2014

Dictée 10: Mots à savoir

1) le client = customer
2) le marchand = merchant
3) excusez-moi = excuse me
4) combien = how much
5) États-Unis = U.S.
6) un timbre = stamp
7) la carte postale = post card
8) je prends  = I'll take
9) s'îl vous plaît = please
10) je vous remercie = I thank you
11) bonne journée = have a great day
12) vous avez = you have
13) vous désirez = you would like
14) votre monnaie = your money
15) centimes = cents (France)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


When drawing your food chain diagram, make sure to add in primary, secondary and tertiary (if there are any) animals.  

Please read below for descriptions of each level:

  1. Primary producers (organisms that make their own food from sunlight and/or chemical energy from deep sea vents) are the base of every food chain - these organisms are called autotrophs.
  2. Primary consumers are animals that eat primary producers; they are also called herbivores (plant-eaters).
  3. Secondary consumers eat primary consumers. They are carnivores (meat-eaters) and omnivores (animals that eat both animals and plants).
  4. Tertiary consumers eat secondary consumers.
  5. Quaternary consumers eat tertiary consumers.
  6. Food chains "end" with top predators, animals that have little or no natural enemies.
Food web

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dictée 9:
1) Copiez chaque mot 3 fois
2) Trouvez le mot d'anglais
3) Faites les phrases

1) La baie d'hudson
2) L'île de baffin
3) L'océan arctique
4) les montagnes
5) du Canada
6) L'océan Pacifique
7) la région
8) les vallées
9) la terre
10) la frontière
11) le climat
12) aucun
13) la prairie
14) de forêts
15) ces provinces

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How to make a Diorama:

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Example of a Food Chain compared to a Food Web :

4th Grade Ecosystem Project - BUILD AN ECOSYSTEM:

WHO:  La salle 23 :)
WHEN:  Project is due Friday, December 12, 2014 
WHAT:  Students work individually to research and create a habitat diorama or poster at home. Students use the knowledge gained throughout the unit to design the natural habitat for living things. Students demonstrate the interdependence of living things necessary for survival within their habitat display (food web). They present their dioramas/ posters to the class in an oral presentation. 

Students will receive an individual grade on:
- diorama or poster display 
- oral presentation
- reflection 


medium shoe box, construction paper, play dough, clay, plastic figures, printed pictures, own drawings, etc..
drawings, paintings, printouts

  • at least 3-5 producers (plants), labeled
  • at least 3-5 consumers (animals), labeled (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary consumers)
  • at least 5 colors realistically representing the plants, animals, and scenery within the habitat
  • the sun
  • Include an explanation of how producers and consumers depend on one another in your  oral presentation 
  • neatly label plants and animals
  • title, your name, date
  • 3 planning sheets: 
- an example of a food chain in your habitat
- the food web representing the living things in your habitat
  • a brief written description of your habitat, location, weather, plants, and animals 
  • Reflection: In their journal, each student will write a 2 paragraph persuasive argument on what affects their habitat and why their habitat should be saved.
Science Ecosystem Project Due: Friday Dec. 12, 2014

Please find a shoebox to bring in to class by Friday. Nov 21, 2014

The Paper House Chapter Questions
Please write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) for each question in your journal.

1. Think about a typical day in your life. How would your life be different if you were forced to work to support your family instead of going to school? What if you had to sell garbage, like Safiyah?

2. Safiyah dreams of learning to read and write. What do you think she’d say to a North American child who grumbles about having to go to school every day?

3. When Safiyah loses her footing and falls in the pile of garbage, something sharp pokes her in the back. Consider what your family throws away. What sorts of dangers do you suppose would be lurking in the dump?

4. Do you feel rich most of the time? What about if you compare your possessions to Safiyah’s?
    What about if you compare your advantages (i.e. hot meals, baths, a clean bed to  
    sleep in) to hers?  How does the perspective of wealth differ depending on who you are?

5. Safiyah’s grandmother is ill, but the girl doesn’t want to take her to the hospital because she knows that people who go there never come home. As you see it, is she right in making this decision on behalf of her grandmother? Explain your thinking.

6. In the middle of chapter 6, Safiyah recalls one of Cucu’s stories about when Safiyah was a baby. What are some familiar stories from your childhood?

7. At the end of chapter 6, Safiyah heads back to the dump even though she knows it’s dangerous—and that Cucu has forbidden her to cross paths with Blade again. As you see it, why do children sometimes ignore the advice of their elders? Why does Safiyah do it, in this instance?

8. Safiyah is surprised when Blade—Rasul—offers to get her some clean water to drink. As far as she knows, he’s a fearsome gang member, not a friend to children in need. Write or talk about a time when you were surprised by someone who turned out to be different than you expected.

9. Cucu asks Safiyah to return to Kibera to get her mancala board. Similar to Safiyah’s rope bracelet, the mancala board is the only thing Cucu has left from village life. What is precious to you? What one thing would you take if you had to flee your home and community?

10. When Safiyah returns home to get Cucu’s mancala board, she is greeted by her new neighbor.
      She knows many of the people who live in the slum. What is the importance of  
      neighbors? Do you know yours? Why is being part of a community so important to us?

11. When Safiyah realizes Pendo has changed the nature of her mural, she becomes angry with her friend and begins to destroy the girl’s work. What would you say to Safiyah right now, if you could?

12. Despite Rasul’s tendency to look out for Safiyah, people in the community don’t trust him. Even if he hasn’t personally hurt them, they know about the unjust things he has done to others. Discuss how a person’s reputation shapes the way they are seen by other people.

13. Cucu tells Safiyah friendship is hard. Give an example of a time in your life  
       where you have found this to be true.

14. In making up with Pendo, Safiyah realizes that words are easy—and that some-   times they make it too easy to hurt a good friend. How have you used words in the wrong way? What’s a good way to avoid doing this again?

15. Safiyah works on her mural until her eyes and body ache. She loves the work and wants to do an excellent job. She doesn’t mind that the work is hard, because the results feel so good. What sorts of projects or pastimes do you feel passionate about?

16. Not only is Safiyah a gift to Cucu and her community, she also possesses artistic gifts. List five things in your world that you consider to be gifts. Now make a list of five gifts you have.

17. Safiyah and Cucu used to live in a rural village with a big community. Now they are forced to live in a Nairobi slum, where it’s a struggle to survive. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement: “Humans can adapt to anything.”

18. When Safiyah is being congratulated by her community, the women hug her and pinch her cheeks. This is a cultural ritual that shows approval. What rituals of approval have you found in your culture?
“I Owe You One” Response Questions

Please write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) for each question in your journal:

Ch 1:  Why is it surprising that Mrs Minton saved Wes? Has anything surprising ever happened to you, from another person?  Explain your thinking.

Ch 2: Zach and Wes made a poor choice biking into The Delanys’ field and got Domino, the horse stuck in the mud.  Have you ever made a poor choice and did you experience a consequence?

Ch 3: Wes’ mom has a “spidey sense” when something bad happens.  Does your mom, dad or you have a spidey sense?  Explain your connection.

Ch 4: Why does Wes have to pay a life debt to Mrs. Minton?  Do you think Wes owes Mrs. Minton anything for saving his life? Explain why you agree or disagree.

Ch 5: Daryl unearthed an arrowhead and said it was a good omen for Mr. Elliot, and it seemed to bring Mr Elliot some luck.  Do you have something that you keep as a good omen?  Do you bring it to competitions or when you travel? Tell me about your omen, or why you don’t believe in them.

Ch 6: Why is fixing the TV tower a good payment for Wes’ life-debt to Mrs. Minton?

Ch 7: “A man always tells it as it is”, why does this expression apply to Wes in this chapter?  Is it important to always tell people the real truth, rather than the “fluffed” up version of the truth. Tell me why you agree or disagree.
Ch 8: Wes came up with his solution to find snow in summer using his problem solving strategies and thinking out-of-the-box.  Have you ever had to think out-of-the-box?  Explain your connection and why Wes was able to solve his problem so easily,

Ch 9: The coach says that even if a team is the strongest, fastest and most talented if they don’t believe they can win, then they won’t.  Explain this idea and why you agree or disagree.

Ch 10: A man always respects his elders.”  What does this expression mean to you?  Is it still true today? Do you agree that we need to respect our grandparents and older adults in our community? Why or why not?

Ch 11: “Easy as falling off a log” is a metaphor for doing something easily.  Do you have any sayings that mean the same thing? Where or who did you learn it from? 

Ch 12:  With Daryl’s help, Mr Elliot’s foundation was taken down quickly.  Despite all the bad destruction, when Daryl’s energy was used positively he was able to solve a big problem.  Is Daryl a bad person? Why or why not, explain your thinking.

Ch 13: “ A man sees things through.” This expression relates to Wes’ dad finishing a job from the beginning, middle and through to the end.  Do you agree with Wes’ dad?  Is it important to you to finish something and follow-through to the very end?  I know sometimes it is easier to give up.  Explain your thinking.

Ch 14: “People are more important than things.Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not. Explain your thinking.

Ch 15: Explain the expression: “ A man isn’t afraid to ask for help, Wes.”  Are you afraid to ask for help?  Tell me why or why not.

Ch 16: Explain what “a man trusts his gut, Wes” means in this chapter.  Have you ever “trusted your gut” on something and were correct?

Ch 17: The expression “Face the music”  refers to the struggle to get the TV transmitter to work and... it isn’t working.  Tell me what you think this expression means and a time when you had to “face the music”?

Ch 18:  When Mrs Minton said to Wes “Your father would be so proud of you”, he started to cry.  Why did he cry? Describe three emotions that he felt at that moment and explain why.

"Banjo of Destiny" Chapter Response Questions 

Please write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) for each question in your journal:

Ch 1:  Why is Jeremiah’s life a “really expensive nightmare”?  Can you give a connection to this thought?

Ch 2: Luella Marshall is Jeremiah’s only friend.  Describe Luella’s personality, list three characteristics and explain why she wears one bright yellow sock and one striped sock.

Ch 3: There is a first time for everything, for Jeremiah, this means making a banjo.  Share a time when you had to try something for the first time, how did it go?

Ch 4: “One man’s junk is another man’s gold.” Explain and share your connections with this expression.

Ch 5: Have you ever been nervous or had stage fright? Tell me a time you felt nervous or had a case of stage fright.

Ch 6: Why did Jeremiah carve the word “Destiny” into his banjo?  Have you ever named one of your belongings a specific name, explain your story.

Ch 7: When we discover that something is hard, many times we quit the activity immediately.  Jeremiah wanted to quit the banjo right away; who changed his decision not to quit the banjo? Has this every happened to you when you tried learning something new?

Ch 8: Why Jeremiah potentially commit  “social suicide” by playing his banjo at lunch in front of the other students? Have you ever been close to committing “social suicide” ?Explain your thinking.

Ch 9: Why did Jeremiah not tell his parents the truth instead of going through with the painful talent night?  Is it easier to tell the truth or is it easier to lie? Explain your thinking.

Ch 10:  Why did Jeremiah enjoy playing the piano now?  Do you remember when you didn’t enjoy doing a particular activity or eat a particular food and now that you are older you enjoy it?

Guided Reading Questions Due Jan. 22, 2015

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Helpful sites


Dictée 8:

1) le soleil = the sun
2) le vent = the wind
3) regarde = look
4) l'homme = the man
5) le manteau = the coat
6) Il souffle = it blows
7) Il brille = it shines
8) de nouveau = again
9) Il enlève = he took off
10) que toi = than you
11) Il déboutonne = he unbuttoned
12) Nous allons = we'll see
13) froid = cold
14) Il serre = he tightens
15) chaud = hot

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dictée 7

1) Un Canadien errant = a wandering Canadian
2) banni = banned
3) foyers = home
4) flots = flowing water
5) expirant = expiring
6) pays = country
7) pleurant = crying
8) malheureux = unhappy
9) pleins = full
10) un jour triste = a sad day
11) souviens = remember
12) si tu vois = if you see
13) plus = more
14) languissant = languid
15) étrangers = foreign

Un Canadien errant chanson